SLEPc PETSc Interface is used for rapid development and intuitive matrix operations similar to MatLab or NumPy style of operations
PetscScalar Re
Reynolds number.
PetscInt printSPI()
print all variables in SPIparams
PetscScalar alpha
alpha streamwise wavenumber
PetscScalar omega
omega, temporal frequency (rad/s)
PetscScalar x_prev
previous streamwise position
std::string name
name of parameter class
virtual PetscInt print()
print all variables in SPIparams
PetscScalar x
current streamwise position
PetscScalar nu
kinematic viscosity (typically 1/Re)
PetscScalar beta
beta spanwise wavenumber
PetscScalar x_start
streamwise starting location
SPIparams(std::string _name="parameters")
constructor with no arguments