![]() |
SLEPc PETSc Interface is used for rapid development and intuitive matrix operations similar to MatLab or NumPy style of operations
Data Structures | |
struct | SPIbaseflow |
struct | SPIgrid1D |
Class to contain various grid parameters. More... | |
struct | SPIgrid2D |
struct | SPIMat |
struct | SPIparams |
struct | SPIVec |
Typedefs | |
template<class T > | |
using | Block2D = std::vector< std::vector< T > > |
Enumerations | |
enum | gridtype { FD, FDperiodic, Fourier, Chebyshev, UltraS } |
enumeration of grid types More... | |
Functions | |
SPIbaseflow | blasius (SPIparams ¶ms, SPIgrid1D &grid) |
int | _bblf (const PetscScalar input[3], PetscScalar output[3]) |
SPIbaseflow | channel (SPIparams ¶ms, SPIgrid1D &grid) |
PetscInt | factorial (PetscInt n) |
compute the factorial of n. This is needed for get_D_Coeffs function More... | |
SPIVec | get_D_Coeffs (SPIVec &s, PetscInt d) |
get the coefficients of the given stencil. More... | |
SPIMat | map_D (SPIMat D, SPIVec y, PetscInt d, PetscInt order) |
map the derivative operator to the proper y grid More... | |
SPIMat | set_D (SPIVec &y, PetscInt d, PetscInt order, PetscBool uniform) |
set the derivative operator for the proper y grid if uniform=false. Uses map_D function More... | |
SPIMat | set_D_periodic (SPIVec &y, PetscInt d, PetscInt order) |
set the derivative operator for the proper periodic grid assuming uniform discretization. More... | |
SPIVec | set_FD_stretched_y (PetscScalar y_max, PetscInt ny, PetscScalar delta) |
set stretched grid from [0,y_max] using tanh stretching for use with finite difference operators More... | |
SPIMat | set_D_Chebyshev (SPIVec &x, PetscInt d, PetscBool need_map) |
set a Chebyshev collocated operator acting with respect to the collocated grid More... | |
SPIMat | map_D_Chebyshev (SPIVec &x, PetscInt d) |
map a Chebyshev collocated operator acting with respect to the stretched collocated grid More... | |
SPIVec | set_Cheby_stretched_y (PetscScalar y_max, PetscInt ny, PetscScalar yi) |
create a stretched Chebyshev grid from [0,y_max] with yi being the midpoint location for the number of points More... | |
SPIVec | set_Cheby_mapped_y (PetscScalar a, PetscScalar b, PetscInt ny) |
create a stretched Chebyshev grid from [a,b] using default Chebfun like mapping More... | |
SPIVec | set_Cheby_y (PetscInt ny) |
create a Chebyshev grid from [-1,1] More... | |
SPIVec | set_Fourier_t (PetscScalar T, PetscInt nt) |
create a Fourier grid from [0,T] More... | |
SPIMat | set_D_Fourier (SPIVec t, PetscInt d) |
create a Fourier derivative operator acting on grid t More... | |
std::tuple< SPIMat, SPIMat > | set_D_UltraS (SPIVec &x, PetscInt d) |
set a UltraSpherical operator acting with respect to the collocated grid (keeps everything in UltraSpherical space), take in Chebyshev coefficients and outputs coefficients in C(d) coefficient space More... | |
std::tuple< SPIMat, SPIMat > | set_T_That (PetscInt n) |
set a T and That operators acting with respect to the Chebyshev collocated grid, That: physical -> Chebyshev coefficient, T: Chebyshev coefficient -> physical More... | |
SPIVec | SPIVec1Dto2D (SPIgrid2D &grid2D, SPIVec &u) |
expand a 1D vector to a 2D vector copying data along time dimension More... | |
PetscScalar | integrate (const SPIVec &a, SPIgrid1D &grid) |
integrate a vector of chebyshev Coefficients on a physical grid More... | |
PetscScalar | integrate (const SPIVec &a, SPIgrid2D &grid) |
integrate a vector of chebyshev Coefficients on a physical grid More... | |
SPIVec | proj (SPIVec &u, SPIVec &v, SPIgrid1D &grid) |
SPIVec | proj (SPIVec &u, SPIVec &v, SPIgrid2D &grid) |
std::vector< SPIVec > | orthogonalize (std::vector< SPIVec > &x, SPIgrid1D &grid) |
std::vector< SPIVec > | orthogonalize (std::vector< SPIVec > &x, SPIgrid2D &grid) |
SPIMat | interp1D_Mat (SPIgrid1D &grid1, SPIgrid1D &grid2) |
SPIMat | interp1D_Mat (SPIVec &y1, SPIVec &y2) |
SPIMat | dft (PetscInt nt) |
std::tuple< SPIMat, SPIMat, SPIMat, SPIMat > | dft_dftinv_Ihalf_Ihalfn (PetscInt nt) |
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec > | LST_temporal (SPIparams ¶ms, SPIgrid1D &grid, SPIbaseflow &baseflow, SPIVec q) |
solve the local stability theory problem for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations using parallel baseflow with alpha being pure real, and omega the eigenvalue More... | |
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec > | LST_spatial (SPIparams ¶ms, SPIgrid1D &grid, SPIbaseflow &baseflow, SPIVec q) |
solve the local stability theory problem for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations using parallel baseflow with omega being pure real, and alpha the eigenvalue More... | |
std::tuple< PetscScalar, PetscScalar, SPIVec, SPIVec > | LST_spatial_cg (SPIparams ¶ms, SPIgrid1D &grid, SPIbaseflow &baseflow) |
solve the local stability theory problem for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations using parallel baseflow with omega being pure real, and alpha the eigenvalue More... | |
std::tuple< PetscScalar, PetscScalar, SPIVec, SPIVec > | LSTNP_spatial (SPIparams ¶ms, SPIgrid1D &grid, SPIbaseflow &baseflow, SPIVec ql, SPIVec qr) |
solve the local stability theory problem for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations using parallel baseflow with omega being pure real, and alpha the eigenvalue More... | |
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec > | LSTNP_spatial_right (SPIparams ¶ms, SPIgrid1D &grid, SPIbaseflow &baseflow, SPIVec qr) |
solve the local stability theory problem for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations using parallel baseflow with omega being pure real, and alpha the eigenvalue More... | |
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec > | LSTNP_spatial_right2 (SPIparams ¶ms, SPIgrid1D &grid, SPIbaseflow &baseflow, SPIVec qr) |
solve the local stability theory problem for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations using parallel baseflow with omega being pure real, and alpha the eigenvalue More... | |
std::tuple< std::vector< PetscScalar >, std::vector< SPIVec > > | LSTNP_spatials_right (SPIparams ¶ms, SPIgrid1D &grid, SPIbaseflow &baseflow, std::vector< PetscScalar > &alphas, std::vector< SPIVec > &qrs) |
solve the local stability theory problem for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations using non-parallel baseflow with omega being pure real, and alpha the eigenvalue More... | |
SPIMat | operator* (const PetscScalar a, const SPIMat A) |
a*A operation to be equivalent to A*a More... | |
SPIMat | operator* (const SPIMat A, const PetscScalar a) |
A*a operation to be equivalent to A*a. More... | |
SPIVec | operator/ (const SPIVec &b, const SPIMat &A) |
Solve linear system, Ax=b using b/A notation. More... | |
SPIMat | operator^ (const PetscScalar a, const SPIMat &A) |
Y=a^A operation. More... | |
SPIVec | solve (const SPIMat &A, const SPIVec &b) |
Solve linear system, Ax=b using solve(A,b) notation. More... | |
SPIMat | eye (const PetscInt n) |
create, form, and return identity matrix of size n More... | |
SPIMat | inv (const SPIMat &A) |
Solve linear system A*Ainv=B using MatMatSolve. More... | |
SPIMat | zeros (const PetscInt m, const PetscInt n) |
create, form, and return zeros matrix of size mxn More... | |
SPIMat | diag (const SPIVec &d, const PetscInt k) |
set diagonal of matrix More... | |
SPIMat | kron (const SPIMat &A, const SPIMat &B) |
set kronecker inner product of two matrices More... | |
std::tuple< std::vector< PetscReal >, std::vector< SPIVec >, std::vector< SPIVec > > | svd (const SPIMat &A) |
solve SVD problem of A=U*E*V^H for skinny A matrix More... | |
SPIVec | lstsq (const SPIMat &A, SPIVec &y) |
solve least squares problem of A*x=y for skinny A matrix using SVD More... | |
SPIVec | lstsq (const std::vector< SPIVec > &A, SPIVec &y) |
solve least squares problem of A*x=y for skinny A matrix (or vectors of columns vectors) using SVD More... | |
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec, SPIVec > | eig (const SPIMat &A, const SPIMat &B, const PetscScalar target, const PetscReal tol, const PetscInt max_iter) |
solve general eigenvalue problem of Ax = kBx and return a tuple of tie(PetscScalar alpha, SPIVec eig_vector) More... | |
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec > | eig_right (const SPIMat &A, const SPIMat &B, const PetscScalar target, const PetscReal tol, const PetscInt max_iter) |
solve general eigenvalue problem of Ax = kBx and return a tuple of tie(PetscScalar alpha, SPIVec eig_vector) More... | |
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec, SPIVec > | eig_init (const SPIMat &A, const SPIMat &B, const PetscScalar target, const SPIVec &ql, const SPIVec &qr, PetscReal tol, const PetscInt max_iter) |
solve general eigenvalue problem of Ax = kBx and return a tuple of tie(PetscScalar alpha, SPIVec eig_vector) More... | |
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec > | eig_init_right (const SPIMat &A, const SPIMat &B, const PetscScalar target, const SPIVec &qr, PetscReal tol, const PetscInt max_iter) |
solve general eigenvalue problem of Ax = kBx and return a tuple of tie(PetscScalar alpha, SPIVec eig_vector) More... | |
std::tuple< std::vector< PetscScalar >, std::vector< SPIVec > > | eig_init_rights (const SPIMat &A, const SPIMat &B, const std::vector< PetscScalar > targets, const std::vector< SPIVec > &qrs, PetscReal tol, const PetscInt max_iter) |
solve general eigenvalue problem of Ax = kBx and return a tuple of tie(PetscScalar alpha, SPIVec eig_vector) More... | |
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec > | polyeig (const std::vector< SPIMat > &As, const PetscScalar target, const PetscReal tol, const PetscInt max_iter) |
solve general polynomial eigenvalue problem of (A0 + A1*alpha + A2*alpha^2 + ...)*x = 0 and return a tuple of tie(PetscScalar alpha, SPIVec eig_vector) More... | |
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec > | polyeig_init (const std::vector< SPIMat > &As, const PetscScalar target, const SPIVec &qr, const PetscReal tol, const PetscInt max_iter) |
solve general polynomial eigenvalue problem of (A0 + A1*alpha + A2*alpha^2 + ...)*x = 0 and return a tuple of tie(PetscScalar alpha, SPIVec eig_vector) using initial subspace vector More... | |
SPIMat | block ( const Block2D< SPIMat > Blocks) |
set block matrices using an input array of size rows*cols. Fills rows first More... | |
std::tuple< SPIMat, SPIMat > | meshgrid (SPIVec &x, SPIVec &y) |
PetscInt | save (const SPIMat &A, const std::string filename) |
save matrix to filename in binary format (see Petsc documentation for format ) Format is (from Petsc documentation): int MAT_FILE_CLASSID int number of rows int number of columns int total number of nonzeros int *number nonzeros in each row int *column indices of all nonzeros (starting index is zero) PetscScalar *values of all nonzeros More... | |
PetscInt | save (const std::vector< SPIMat > &As, const std::string filename) |
save matrices to filename in binary format (see Petsc documentation for format More... | |
PetscInt | load (SPIMat &A, const std::string filename) |
load matrix from filename from binary format (works with save(SPIMat,std::string) function More... | |
PetscInt | load (std::vector< SPIMat > &As, const std::string filename) |
load matrix from filename from binary format (works with save(SPIMat,std::string) function More... | |
PetscInt | draw (const SPIMat &A) |
draw nonzero structure of matrix More... | |
template<class T > | |
SPIMat | _Function_on_each_element (T(*f)(T const &), const SPIMat &A) |
take the function of each element in a matrix, e.g. (*f)(A(i,j)) for each i,j More... | |
SPIMat | sin (const SPIMat &A) |
take the sin of each element in a matrix More... | |
SPIMat | cos (const SPIMat &A) |
take the cos of each element in a matrix More... | |
SPIMat | acos (const SPIMat &A) |
take the arccos of each element in a matrix More... | |
SPIMat | tan (const SPIMat &A) |
take the tan of each element in a matrix More... | |
SPIMat | abs (const SPIMat &A) |
take the abs of each element in a matrix More... | |
SPIMat | operator% (const SPIMat &A, const SPIMat &B) |
take the elementwise multiplication of each element in a matrix More... | |
SPIMat | orthogonalize (const std::vector< SPIVec > &x) |
PetscInt | printf (std::string msg,...) |
PetscInt | printfc (std::string msg, const PetscScalar val) |
SPIVec | operator/ (const PetscScalar a, const SPIVec &A) |
SPIVec | operator* (const PetscScalar a, const SPIVec &A) |
SPIVec | operator+ (const PetscScalar a, const SPIVec &A) |
SPIVec | operator- (const PetscScalar a, const SPIVec &A) |
PetscInt | save (const SPIVec &A, std::string filename) |
PetscInt | save (std::vector< PetscScalar > A, std::string variablename, std::string filename) |
PetscInt | save (std::vector< SPIVec > A, std::string variablename, std::string filename) |
PetscInt | load (SPIVec &A, const std::string filename) |
SPIVec | ones (const PetscInt rows) |
SPIVec | zeros (const PetscInt rows) |
SPIVec | conj (const SPIVec &A) |
SPIVec | real (const SPIVec &A) |
return the real part of the vector More... | |
SPIVec | imag (const SPIVec &A) |
return the imaginary part of the vector More... | |
SPIVec | linspace (const PetscScalar begin, const PetscScalar end, const PetscInt _rows) |
return linspace of number of rows equally spaced points between begin and end More... | |
SPIVec | arange (const PetscScalar begin, const PetscScalar end, const PetscScalar stepsize) |
return a range of number of equally spaced points between begin and end by step size step More... | |
SPIVec | arange (const PetscScalar end) |
template<class T > | |
SPIVec | _Function_on_each_element (T(*f)(T const &), const SPIVec &A) |
take the function of each element in a vector, e.g. (*f)(A(i)) for each i More... | |
SPIVec | sin (const SPIVec &A) |
take the sin of each element in a vector More... | |
SPIVec | cos (const SPIVec &A) |
take the cos of each element in a vector More... | |
SPIVec | tan (const SPIVec &A) |
take the tan of each element in a vector More... | |
SPIVec | exp (const SPIVec &A) |
take the exp of each element in a vector More... | |
SPIVec | log (const SPIVec &A) |
take the log (natural log) of each element in a vector More... | |
SPIVec | log10 (const SPIVec &A) |
take the log10 of each element in a vector More... | |
SPIVec | sinh (const SPIVec &A) |
take the sinh of each element in a vector More... | |
SPIVec | cosh (const SPIVec &A) |
take the cosh of each element in a vector More... | |
SPIVec | tanh (const SPIVec &A) |
take the tanh of each element in a vector More... | |
SPIVec | asin (const SPIVec &A) |
take the asin of each element in a vector More... | |
SPIVec | acos (const SPIVec &A) |
take the acos of each element in a vector More... | |
SPIVec | atan (const SPIVec &A) |
take the atan of each element in a vector More... | |
SPIVec | asinh (const SPIVec &A) |
take the asinh of each element in a vector More... | |
SPIVec | acosh (const SPIVec &A) |
take the acosh of each element in a vector More... | |
SPIVec | atanh (const SPIVec &A) |
take the atanh of each element in a vector More... | |
SPIVec | sqrt (const SPIVec &A) |
take the atanh of each element in a vector More... | |
SPIVec | erf (const SPIVec &A) |
take the erf of each element in a vector More... | |
SPIVec | erfc (const SPIVec &A) |
take the erfc(z) = 1-erf(z) of each element in a vector More... | |
template<class T > | |
SPIVec | _Function_on_each_element (T(*f)(T const &, T const &), const SPIVec &A, SPIVec &B) |
function to take element by element of two vectors e.g. (*f)(A(i),B(i)) for all i More... | |
SPIVec | pow (const SPIVec &A, SPIVec &B) |
take the pow of each element in the vectors More... | |
SPIVec | pow (const SPIVec &A, PetscScalar b) |
take the pow of each element in the vector (A^b) More... | |
SPIVec | abs (const SPIVec &A) |
take the absolute value of a vector More... | |
PetscScalar | sum (SPIVec x1) |
take the sum of a vector More... | |
PetscScalar | integrate_coeffs (const SPIVec &a) |
integrate a vector of chebyshev Coefficients on a grid More... | |
PetscScalar | integrate_coeffs (const SPIVec &a, const SPIVec &y) |
integrate a vector of chebyshev Coefficients on a stretched grid More... | |
PetscScalar | dot (SPIVec x, SPIVec y) |
take the inner product of the two vectors (i.e. y^H x) where ^H is the complex conjugate transpose More... | |
PetscReal | L2 (SPIVec x1, const SPIVec x2, NormType type) |
calculate the \( L_2 \) norm of the difference between \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) vectors. More... | |
PetscReal | L2 (const SPIVec x1, NormType type) |
calculate the \( L_2 \) norm of the vector More... | |
SPIVec | diff (SPIVec x) |
diff of the vector (see numpy.diff) More... | |
PetscScalar | trapz (SPIVec y) |
trapezoidal integration of y with unity coordinate spacing, \(\int y dx \) More... | |
PetscScalar | trapz (SPIVec y, SPIVec x) |
trapezoidal integration of y with x coordinates, \(\int y dx \) More... | |
PetscInt | draw (const SPIVec &x) |
draw nonzero structure and wait at command line input More... | |
using SPI::Block2D = typedef std::vector<std::vector<T> > |
Definition at line 15 of file SPIMat.hpp.
enum SPI::gridtype |
enumeration of grid types
Definition at line 25 of file SPIgrid.hpp.
int SPI::_bblf | ( | const PetscScalar | input[3], |
PetscScalar | output[3] | ||
) |
Definition at line 243 of file SPIbaseflow.cpp.
take the function of each element in a matrix, e.g. (*f)(A(i,j)) for each i,j
[in] | f | [in] function handle to pass in e.g. std::sin<PetscReal> |
[in] | A | [in] matrix to perform function on each element |
Definition at line 2011 of file SPIMat.cpp.
take the function of each element in a vector, e.g. (*f)(A(i)) for each i
[in] | f | [in] function handle to pass in e.g. std::sin<PetscReal> |
[in] | A | [in] vector to perform function on each element |
Definition at line 693 of file SPIVec.cpp.
SPIVec SPI::_Function_on_each_element | ( | T(*)(T const &, T const &) | f, |
const SPIVec & | A, | ||
SPIVec & | B | ||
) |
function to take element by element of two vectors e.g. (*f)(A(i),B(i)) for all i
[in] | f | [in] function handle to pass in e.g. std::pow<PetscReal> |
[in] | A | [in] first vector to perform function on each element |
[in] | B | [in] second vector |
Definition at line 762 of file SPIVec.cpp.
take the abs of each element in a matrix
Definition at line 2045 of file SPIMat.cpp.
take the absolute value of a vector
Definition at line 798 of file SPIVec.cpp.
take the arccos of each element in a matrix
Definition at line 2029 of file SPIMat.cpp.
take the acos of each element in a vector
Definition at line 731 of file SPIVec.cpp.
take the acosh of each element in a vector
Definition at line 737 of file SPIVec.cpp.
SPIVec SPI::arange | ( | const PetscScalar | begin, |
const PetscScalar | end, | ||
const PetscScalar | stepsize = 1 |
) |
return a range of number of equally spaced points between begin and end by step size step
[in] | begin | [in] beginning scalar of equally spaced points |
[in] | end | [in] end scalar of equally spaced points |
[in] | stepsize | [in] step size for equally spaced points |
Definition at line 667 of file SPIVec.cpp.
SPIVec SPI::arange | ( | const PetscScalar | end | ) |
[in] | end | [in] end scalar of equally spaced points |
Definition at line 684 of file SPIVec.cpp.
take the asin of each element in a vector
Definition at line 729 of file SPIVec.cpp.
take the asinh of each element in a vector
Definition at line 735 of file SPIVec.cpp.
take the atan of each element in a vector
Definition at line 733 of file SPIVec.cpp.
take the atanh of each element in a vector
Definition at line 739 of file SPIVec.cpp.
SPIbaseflow SPI::blasius | ( | SPIparams & | params, |
SPIgrid1D & | grid | ||
) |
[in] | params | [in] parameters such as x and nu (freestream Uinf=1) |
[in] | grid | [in] grid containing wall-normal points |
Definition at line 90 of file SPIbaseflow.cpp.
set block matrices using an input array of size rows*cols. Fills rows first
[in] | Blocks | [in] array of matrices to set into larger matrix e.g. [ A, B, C, D ] |
Definition at line 1857 of file SPIMat.cpp.
SPIbaseflow SPI::channel | ( | SPIparams & | params, |
SPIgrid1D & | grid | ||
) |
[in] | params | [in] parameters such as x and nu (freestream Uinf=1) |
[in] | grid | [in] grid containing wall-normal points |
Definition at line 253 of file SPIbaseflow.cpp.
return the conjugate of the vector
[in] | A | [in] vector to conjugate |
Definition at line 622 of file SPIVec.cpp.
take the cos of each element in a matrix
Definition at line 2027 of file SPIMat.cpp.
take the cos of each element in a vector
Definition at line 708 of file SPIVec.cpp.
take the cosh of each element in a vector
Definition at line 725 of file SPIVec.cpp.
SPIMat SPI::dft | ( | PetscInt | nt | ) |
[in] | nt | [in] size of matrix to create |
Definition at line 1573 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
[in] | nt | [in] size of matrix to create |
Definition at line 1589 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
set diagonal of matrix
[in] | d | [in] diagonal vector to set along main diagonal |
[in] | k | [in] diagonal to set, k=0 is main diagonal, k=1 is offset one in positive direction |
Definition at line 728 of file SPIMat.cpp.
diff of the vector (see numpy.diff)
[in] | x | [in] vector to diff (x[i+1]-x[i]) |
Definition at line 881 of file SPIVec.cpp.
take the inner product of the two vectors (i.e. y^H x) where ^H is the complex conjugate transpose
[in] | x | [in] first vector in inner product |
[in] | y | [in] second vector in inner product (this one gets the complex conjugate transpose) |
Definition at line 788 of file SPIVec.cpp.
PetscInt SPI::draw | ( | const SPIMat & | A | ) |
draw nonzero structure of matrix
[in] | A | [in] A to draw nonzero structure |
Definition at line 1994 of file SPIMat.cpp.
PetscInt SPI::draw | ( | const SPIVec & | x | ) |
draw nonzero structure and wait at command line input
[in] | x | [in] vector to draw |
Definition at line 932 of file SPIVec.cpp.
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec, SPIVec > SPI::eig | ( | const SPIMat & | A, |
const SPIMat & | B, | ||
const PetscScalar | target, | ||
const PetscReal | tol, | ||
const PetscInt | max_iter | ||
) |
solve general eigenvalue problem of Ax = kBx and return a tuple of tie(PetscScalar alpha, SPIVec eig_vector)
[in] | A | [in] A in Ax=kBx generalized eigenvalue problem |
[in] | B | [in] B in Ax=kBx generalized eigenvalue problem |
[in] | target | [in] target eigenvalue to solve for |
[in] | tol | [in] tolerance of eigenvalue solver |
[in] | max_iter | [in] maximum number of iterations |
Definition at line 928 of file SPIMat.cpp.
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec, SPIVec > SPI::eig_init | ( | const SPIMat & | A, |
const SPIMat & | B, | ||
const PetscScalar | target, | ||
const SPIVec & | ql, | ||
const SPIVec & | qr, | ||
PetscReal | tol, | ||
const PetscInt | max_iter | ||
) |
solve general eigenvalue problem of Ax = kBx and return a tuple of tie(PetscScalar alpha, SPIVec eig_vector)
[in] | A | [in] A in Ax=kBx generalized eigenvalue problem |
[in] | B | [in] B in Ax=kBx generalized eigenvalue problem |
[in] | target | [in] target eigenvalue to solve for |
[in] | ql | [in] initial subspace vector for EPS solver (left eigenvector) |
[in] | qr | [in] initial subspace vector for EPS solver (right eigenvector) |
[in] | tol | [in] tolerance of eigenvalue solver |
[in] | max_iter | [in] maximum number of iterations |
Definition at line 1217 of file SPIMat.cpp.
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec > SPI::eig_init_right | ( | const SPIMat & | A, |
const SPIMat & | B, | ||
const PetscScalar | target, | ||
const SPIVec & | qr, | ||
PetscReal | tol, | ||
const PetscInt | max_iter | ||
) |
solve general eigenvalue problem of Ax = kBx and return a tuple of tie(PetscScalar alpha, SPIVec eig_vector)
[in] | A | [in] A in Ax=kBx generalized eigenvalue problem |
[in] | B | [in] B in Ax=kBx generalized eigenvalue problem |
[in] | target | [in] target eigenvalue to solve for |
[in] | qr | [in] initial subspace vector for EPS solver (right eigenvector) |
[in] | tol | [in] tolerance of eigenvalue solver |
[in] | max_iter | [in] maximum number of iterations |
Definition at line 1368 of file SPIMat.cpp.
std::tuple< std::vector< PetscScalar >, std::vector< SPIVec > > SPI::eig_init_rights | ( | const SPIMat & | A, |
const SPIMat & | B, | ||
const std::vector< PetscScalar > | targets, | ||
const std::vector< SPIVec > & | qrs, | ||
PetscReal | tol, | ||
const PetscInt | max_iter | ||
) |
solve general eigenvalue problem of Ax = kBx and return a tuple of tie(PetscScalar alpha, SPIVec eig_vector)
[in] | A | [in] A in Ax=kBx generalized eigenvalue problem |
[in] | B | [in] B in Ax=kBx generalized eigenvalue problem |
[in] | targets | [in] target eigenvalue to solve for |
[in] | qrs | [in] initial subspace vector for EPS solver (right eigenvector) |
[in] | tol | [in] tolerance of eigenvalue solver |
[in] | max_iter | [in] maximum number of iterations |
Definition at line 1521 of file SPIMat.cpp.
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec > SPI::eig_right | ( | const SPIMat & | A, |
const SPIMat & | B, | ||
const PetscScalar | target, | ||
const PetscReal | tol, | ||
const PetscInt | max_iter | ||
) |
solve general eigenvalue problem of Ax = kBx and return a tuple of tie(PetscScalar alpha, SPIVec eig_vector)
[in] | A | [in] A in Ax=kBx generalized eigenvalue problem |
[in] | B | [in] B in Ax=kBx generalized eigenvalue problem |
[in] | target | [in] target eigenvalue to solve for |
[in] | tol | [in] tolerance of eigenvalue solver |
[in] | max_iter | [in] maximum number of iterations |
Definition at line 1072 of file SPIMat.cpp.
take the erf of each element in a vector
Definition at line 743 of file SPIVec.cpp.
take the erfc(z) = 1-erf(z) of each element in a vector
Definition at line 752 of file SPIVec.cpp.
take the exp of each element in a vector
Definition at line 712 of file SPIVec.cpp.
SPIMat SPI::eye | ( | const PetscInt | n | ) |
create, form, and return identity matrix of size n
[in] | n | [in] n size of square identity matrix |
Definition at line 697 of file SPIMat.cpp.
PetscInt SPI::factorial | ( | PetscInt | n | ) |
compute the factorial of n. This is needed for get_D_Coeffs function
[in] | n | [in] integer to compute factorial of |
Definition at line 6 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
get the coefficients of the given stencil.
[in] | s | [in] vector of stencil points e.g. [-3,-2,-1,0,1] |
[in] | d | [in] order of desired derivative e.g. 1 or 2 |
Definition at line 15 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
return the imaginary part of the vector
[in] | A | [in] vector to take imaginary part of |
Definition at line 638 of file SPIVec.cpp.
integrate a vector of chebyshev Coefficients on a physical grid
[in] | a | [in] vector to integrate over grid (Chebyshev coefficients or physical values) |
[in] | grid | [in] respective grid |
Definition at line 873 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
integrate a vector of chebyshev Coefficients on a physical grid
[in] | a | [in] vector to integrate over grid (Chebyshev coefficients or physical values) |
[in] | grid | [in] respective grid |
Definition at line 927 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
PetscScalar SPI::integrate_coeffs | ( | const SPIVec & | a | ) |
integrate a vector of chebyshev Coefficients on a grid
[in] | a | [in] chebyshev coefficients to integrate |
Definition at line 813 of file SPIVec.cpp.
integrate a vector of chebyshev Coefficients on a stretched grid
[in] | a | [in] chebyshev coefficients |
[in] | y | [in] Cheby_mapped_y grid |
Definition at line 846 of file SPIVec.cpp.
[in] | grid1 | [in] grid to interpolate values from |
[in] | grid2 | [in] grid to interpolate values to |
Definition at line 1506 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
[in] | y1 | [in] grid to interpolate values from |
[in] | y2 | [in] grid to interpolate values to |
Definition at line 1538 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
Solve linear system A*Ainv=B using MatMatSolve.
[in] | A | [in] A in A A^-1 = B |
Definition at line 603 of file SPIMat.cpp.
set kronecker inner product of two matrices
[in] | A | [in] A in A kron B operation |
[in] | B | [in] B in A kron B operation |
Definition at line 780 of file SPIMat.cpp.
PetscReal SPI::L2 | ( | const SPIVec | x1, |
NormType | type | ||
) |
calculate the \( L_2 \) norm of the vector
[in] | x1 | [in] \(x_1\) l |
[in] | type | [in] type of norm (default NORM_2 \(\sqrt{\sum x_1^2}\)) |
Definition at line 871 of file SPIVec.cpp.
calculate the \( L_2 \) norm of the difference between \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) vectors.
[in] | x1 | [in] \(x_1\) |
[in] | x2 | [in] \(x_2\) |
[in] | type | [in] type of norm (default NORM_2 \(\sqrt{\sum |x_1 - x_2|^2}\)) (NORM_1 denotes sum_i |x_i|), (NORM_2 denotes sqrt(sum_i |x_i|^2)), (NORM_INFINITY denotes max_i |x_i|) |
Definition at line 859 of file SPIVec.cpp.
SPIVec SPI::linspace | ( | const PetscScalar | begin, |
const PetscScalar | end, | ||
const PetscInt | _rows | ||
) |
return linspace of number of rows equally spaced points between begin and end
[in] | begin | [in] beginning scalar of equally spaced points |
[in] | end | [in] end scalar of equally spaced points |
[in] | _rows | [in] how many points in array |
Definition at line 645 of file SPIVec.cpp.
PetscInt SPI::load | ( | SPIMat & | A, |
const std::string | filename | ||
) |
load matrix from filename from binary format (works with save(SPIMat,std::string) function
[in,out] | A | [inout] A to load data into (must be initialized to the right size) |
[in] | filename | [in] filename to read |
Definition at line 1966 of file SPIMat.cpp.
PetscInt SPI::load | ( | SPIVec & | A, |
const std::string | filename | ||
) |
load A from hdf5 filename using variable A.name, be sure it has the right size first before loading
[in,out] | A | [inout] vector to load data into (must be initialized to the right size) |
[in] | filename | [in] filename to read |
Definition at line 591 of file SPIVec.cpp.
PetscInt SPI::load | ( | std::vector< SPIMat > & | As, |
const std::string | filename | ||
) |
load matrix from filename from binary format (works with save(SPIMat,std::string) function
[in,out] | As | [inout] matrices to load data into (must be initialized to the right size) |
[in] | filename | [in] filename to read |
Definition at line 1978 of file SPIMat.cpp.
take the log (natural log) of each element in a vector
Definition at line 719 of file SPIVec.cpp.
take the log10 of each element in a vector
Definition at line 721 of file SPIVec.cpp.
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec > SPI::LST_spatial | ( | SPIparams & | params, |
SPIgrid1D & | grid, | ||
SPIbaseflow & | baseflow, | ||
SPIVec | q | ||
) |
solve the local stability theory problem for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations using parallel baseflow with omega being pure real, and alpha the eigenvalue
[in,out] | params | [inout] contains parameters including Re, alpha, and omega. Will overwrite omega with true omega value once solved |
[in] | grid | [in] grid class containing the grid location and respective derivatives |
[in] | baseflow | [in] baseflow for parallel flow |
[in] | q | [in] initial guess for temporal problem |
Definition at line 147 of file SPILST.cpp.
std::tuple< PetscScalar, PetscScalar, SPIVec, SPIVec > SPI::LST_spatial_cg | ( | SPIparams & | params, |
SPIgrid1D & | grid, | ||
SPIbaseflow & | baseflow | ||
) |
solve the local stability theory problem for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations using parallel baseflow with omega being pure real, and alpha the eigenvalue
[in,out] | params | [inout] contains parameters including Re, alpha, and omega. Will overwrite omega with true omega value once solved |
[in] | grid | [in] grid class containing the grid location and respective derivatives |
[in] | baseflow | [in] baseflow for parallel flow |
Definition at line 349 of file SPILST.cpp.
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec > SPI::LST_temporal | ( | SPIparams & | params, |
SPIgrid1D & | grid, | ||
SPIbaseflow & | baseflow, | ||
SPIVec | q | ||
) |
solve the local stability theory problem for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations using parallel baseflow with alpha being pure real, and omega the eigenvalue
[in,out] | params | [inout] contains parameters including Re, alpha, and omega. Will overwrite omega with true omega value once solved |
[in] | grid | [in] grid class containing the grid location and respective derivatives |
[in] | baseflow | [in] baseflow for parallel flow |
[in] | q | [in] initial guess for temporal problem |
Definition at line 5 of file SPILST.cpp.
std::tuple< PetscScalar, PetscScalar, SPIVec, SPIVec > SPI::LSTNP_spatial | ( | SPIparams & | params, |
SPIgrid1D & | grid, | ||
SPIbaseflow & | baseflow, | ||
SPIVec | ql, | ||
SPIVec | qr | ||
) |
solve the local stability theory problem for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations using parallel baseflow with omega being pure real, and alpha the eigenvalue
[in,out] | params | [inout] contains parameters including Re, alpha, and omega. Will overwrite omega with true omega value once solved |
[in] | grid | [in] grid class containing the grid location and respective derivatives |
[in] | baseflow | [in] baseflow for parallel flow |
[in] | ql | [in] initial guess for spatial problem (adjoint) for left eigenfunction |
[in] | qr | [in] initial guess for spatial problem |
Definition at line 715 of file SPILST.cpp.
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec > SPI::LSTNP_spatial_right | ( | SPIparams & | params, |
SPIgrid1D & | grid, | ||
SPIbaseflow & | baseflow, | ||
SPIVec | qr | ||
) |
solve the local stability theory problem for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations using parallel baseflow with omega being pure real, and alpha the eigenvalue
[in,out] | params | [inout] contains parameters including Re, alpha, and omega. Will overwrite omega with true omega value once solved |
[in] | grid | [in] grid class containing the grid location and respective derivatives |
[in] | baseflow | [in] baseflow for parallel flow |
[in] | qr | [in] initial guess for spatial problem |
Definition at line 1046 of file SPILST.cpp.
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec > SPI::LSTNP_spatial_right2 | ( | SPIparams & | params, |
SPIgrid1D & | grid, | ||
SPIbaseflow & | baseflow, | ||
SPIVec | qr | ||
) |
solve the local stability theory problem for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations using parallel baseflow with omega being pure real, and alpha the eigenvalue
[in,out] | params | [inout] contains parameters including Re, alpha, and omega. Will overwrite omega with true omega value once solved |
[in] | grid | [in] grid class containing the grid location and respective derivatives |
[in] | baseflow | [in] baseflow for parallel flow |
[in] | qr | [in] initial guess for spatial problem |
Definition at line 1276 of file SPILST.cpp.
std::tuple< std::vector< PetscScalar >, std::vector< SPIVec > > SPI::LSTNP_spatials_right | ( | SPIparams & | params, |
SPIgrid1D & | grid, | ||
SPIbaseflow & | baseflow, | ||
std::vector< PetscScalar > & | alphas, | ||
std::vector< SPIVec > & | qrs | ||
) |
solve the local stability theory problem for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations using non-parallel baseflow with omega being pure real, and alpha the eigenvalue
[in,out] | params | [inout] contains parameters including Re and omega. |
[in] | grid | [in] grid class containing the grid location and respective derivatives |
[in] | baseflow | [in] baseflow for parallel flow |
[in] | alphas | [in] vector of alpha guesses |
[in] | qrs | [in] initial guesses for spatial problem |
Definition at line 1482 of file SPILST.cpp.
solve least squares problem of A*x=y for skinny A matrix using SVD
[in] | A | [in] A matrix in A*x=y least squares problem |
[in] | y | [in] y in A*x=y least squares problem |
Definition at line 905 of file SPIMat.cpp.
solve least squares problem of A*x=y for skinny A matrix (or vectors of columns vectors) using SVD
[in] | A | [in] vectors of columns vectors making up A matrix |
[in] | y | [in] y in A*x=y least squares problem |
Definition at line 920 of file SPIMat.cpp.
map the derivative operator to the proper y grid
[in] | D | [in] derivative operator on uniform grid from 0 to 1 (xi grid) |
[in] | y | [in] potentially non-uniform grid from 0 to y_max |
[in] | d | [in] order of derivative |
[in] | order | [in] order of accuracy for finite difference stencil (default 4) |
Definition at line 52 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
map a Chebyshev collocated operator acting with respect to the stretched collocated grid
[in] | x | [in] grid (created from set_Cheby_stretched_y or set_Cheby_y or similar example) |
[in] | d | [in] order of the derivative (default 1) |
Definition at line 278 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
[in] | x | [in] x input array |
[in] | y | [in] y input array |
Definition at line 1894 of file SPIMat.cpp.
SPIVec SPI::ones | ( | const PetscInt | rows | ) |
create a vector of size rows full of ones
[in] | rows | [in] number of rows for vector size |
Definition at line 605 of file SPIVec.cpp.
take the elementwise multiplication of each element in a matrix
Definition at line 2033 of file SPIMat.cpp.
a*A operation to be equivalent to A*a
[in] | a | [in] scalar a in a*A |
[in] | A | [in] matrix A in a*A |
Definition at line 517 of file SPIMat.cpp.
Z=a*Y operation to be equivalent to Y*a
[in] | a | [in] scalar a in a*Y operation |
[in] | Y | [in] Y in Z=a*Y |
Definition at line 510 of file SPIVec.cpp.
A*a operation to be equivalent to A*a.
Definition at line 527 of file SPIMat.cpp.
Z=a+Y operation to be equivalent to Y+a
[in] | a | [in] scalar a in a+Y operation |
[in] | Y | [in] Y in a+Y operation |
Definition at line 521 of file SPIVec.cpp.
Z=a-Y operation to be equivalent to Y-a
[in] | a | [in] scalar a in a-Y operation |
[in] | Y | [in] Y in a-Y operation |
Definition at line 532 of file SPIVec.cpp.
Z=a/Y operation
[in] | a | [in] scalar a in a/Y operation |
[in] | Y | [in] Y in Z=a/Y |
Definition at line 497 of file SPIVec.cpp.
Solve linear system, Ax=b using b/A notation.
[in] | b | [in] b in Ax=b |
[in] | A | [in] A in Ax=b |
Definition at line 535 of file SPIMat.cpp.
Y=a^A operation.
[in] | a | [in] a in Y=a^A |
[in] | A | [in] A in Y=a^A |
Definition at line 578 of file SPIMat.cpp.
[in] | x | [in] array of vectors to orthogonalize |
Definition at line 2057 of file SPIMat.cpp.
[in] | x | [in] array of vectors to orthogonalize |
[in] | grid | [in] respective grid for integration using Gram-Schmidt |
Definition at line 1323 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
[in] | x | [in] array of vectors to orthogonalize |
[in] | grid | [in] respective grid for integration using Gram-Schmidt |
Definition at line 1406 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec > SPI::polyeig | ( | const std::vector< SPIMat > & | As, |
const PetscScalar | target, | ||
const PetscReal | tol, | ||
const PetscInt | max_iter | ||
) |
solve general polynomial eigenvalue problem of (A0 + A1*alpha + A2*alpha^2 + ...)*x = 0 and return a tuple of tie(PetscScalar alpha, SPIVec eig_vector)
[in] | As | [in] [A0,A1,A2...] in generalized polynomial eigenvalue problem |
[in] | target | [in] target eigenvalue to solve for |
[in] | tol | [in] tolerance of eigenvalue solver |
[in] | max_iter | [in] maximum number of iterations |
Definition at line 1686 of file SPIMat.cpp.
std::tuple< PetscScalar, SPIVec > SPI::polyeig_init | ( | const std::vector< SPIMat > & | As, |
const PetscScalar | target, | ||
const SPIVec & | qr, | ||
const PetscReal | tol, | ||
const PetscInt | max_iter | ||
) |
solve general polynomial eigenvalue problem of (A0 + A1*alpha + A2*alpha^2 + ...)*x = 0 and return a tuple of tie(PetscScalar alpha, SPIVec eig_vector) using initial subspace vector
[in] | As | [in] [A0,A1,A2...] in generalized polynomial eigenvalue problem |
[in] | target | [in] target eigenvalue to solve for |
[in] | qr | [in] initial subspace vector for right eigenvalue problem |
[in] | tol | [in] tolerance of eigenvalue solver |
[in] | max_iter | [in] maximum number of iterations |
Definition at line 1754 of file SPIMat.cpp.
take the pow of each element in the vector (A^b)
[in] | A | [in] vector to raise to the power |
[in] | b | [in] the exponenet |
Definition at line 777 of file SPIVec.cpp.
take the pow of each element in the vectors
Definition at line 775 of file SPIVec.cpp.
PetscInt SPI::printf | ( | std::string | msg, |
... | |||
) |
print a message to string using PetscPrintf (also adds a newline at end) (note: only prints on rank 0 processor)
[in] | msg | [in] message to print with formatting such as %g |
[in] | ... | [in] scalar or double or int to match formatting string to be output on processor with rank 0 |
Definition at line 5 of file SPIprint.cpp.
PetscInt SPI::printfc | ( | std::string | msg, |
PetscScalar | val | ||
) |
print a message to string using PetscPrintf (also adds a newline at end) (note: only prints on rank 0 processor) with PetscScalars as input and two formats per argument
[in] | msg | [in] message to print with formatting such as %g |
[in] | val | [in] scalar or double or int to match formatting string to be output on processor with rank 0 |
Definition at line 29 of file SPIprint.cpp.
[in] | u | [in] first vector to project |
[in] | v | [in] second vector to project |
[in] | grid | [in] respective grid |
Definition at line 1220 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
[in] | u | [in] first vector to project |
[in] | v | [in] second vector to project |
[in] | grid | [in] respective grid |
Definition at line 1267 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
return the real part of the vector
[in] | A | [in] vector to take real part of |
Definition at line 631 of file SPIVec.cpp.
PetscInt SPI::save | ( | const SPIMat & | A, |
const std::string | filename | ||
) |
save matrix to filename in binary format (see Petsc documentation for format ) Format is (from Petsc documentation): int MAT_FILE_CLASSID int number of rows int number of columns int total number of nonzeros int *number nonzeros in each row int *column indices of all nonzeros (starting index is zero) PetscScalar *values of all nonzeros
[in] | A | [in] A to save in |
[in] | filename | [in] filename to save data to |
Definition at line 1924 of file SPIMat.cpp.
PetscInt SPI::save | ( | const SPIVec & | A, |
const std::string | filename | ||
) |
save A to hdf5 to filename as variable A.name (note: this will append if filename already exists)
[in] | A | [in] A to save in hdf5 format under A.name variable |
[in] | filename | [in] filename to save |
Definition at line 543 of file SPIVec.cpp.
PetscInt SPI::save | ( | const std::vector< SPIMat > & | As, |
const std::string | filename | ||
) |
save matrices to filename in binary format (see Petsc documentation for format
[in] | As | [in] A to save in |
[in] | filename | [in] filename to save data to |
Definition at line 1944 of file SPIMat.cpp.
PetscInt SPI::save | ( | std::vector< PetscScalar > | A, |
std::string | variablename, | ||
std::string | filename | ||
) |
save A to hdf5 to filename as variable A.name (note: this will append if filename already exists)
[in] | A | [in] variable to save to hdf5 file |
[in] | variablename | [in] the name of the variable to save in the file |
[in] | filename | [in] hdf5 filename |
Definition at line 562 of file SPIVec.cpp.
PetscInt SPI::save | ( | std::vector< SPIVec > | A, |
std::string | variablename, | ||
std::string | filename | ||
) |
save A to hdf5 to filename as variable A.name (note: this will append if filename already exists)
[in] | A | [in] variable to save to hdf5 file |
[in] | variablename | [in] the name of the variable to save in the file |
[in] | filename | [in] hdf5 filename |
Definition at line 576 of file SPIVec.cpp.
SPIVec SPI::set_Cheby_mapped_y | ( | PetscScalar | a, |
PetscScalar | b, | ||
PetscInt | ny | ||
) |
create a stretched Chebyshev grid from [a,b] using default Chebfun like mapping
[in] | a | [in] lower bound of grid domain [a,b] |
[in] | b | [in] upper bound of grid domain [a,b] |
[in] | ny | [in] number of points on grid |
Definition at line 318 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
SPIVec SPI::set_Cheby_stretched_y | ( | PetscScalar | y_max, |
PetscInt | ny, | ||
PetscScalar | yi | ||
) |
create a stretched Chebyshev grid from [0,y_max] with yi being the midpoint location for the number of points
[in] | y_max | [in] maximum range for [0, y_max] stretching |
[in] | ny | [in] number of points |
[in] | yi | [in] midpoint location for the number of points (i.e. ny/2 are above and below this point) |
Definition at line 305 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
SPIVec SPI::set_Cheby_y | ( | PetscInt | ny | ) |
create a Chebyshev grid from [-1,1]
[in] | ny | [in] number of points |
Definition at line 329 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
set the derivative operator for the proper y grid if uniform=false. Uses map_D function
[in] | y | [in] grid points |
[in] | d | [in] order of derivative |
[in] | order | [in] order of accuracy of derivative (default 4) |
[in] | uniform | [in] is this for a uniform grid? (default false) |
Definition at line 82 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
set a Chebyshev collocated operator acting with respect to the collocated grid
[in] | x | [in] grid (created from set_Cheby_stretched_y or set_Cheby_y or similar example) |
[in] | d | [in] order of the derivative (default 1) |
[in] | need_map | [in] need mapping? (default false) |
Definition at line 225 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
create a Fourier derivative operator acting on grid t
[in] | t | [in] grid point created from set_Fourier_t |
[in] | d | [in] order of derivatives |
Definition at line 407 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
set the derivative operator for the proper periodic grid assuming uniform discretization.
[in] | y | [in] grid points |
[in] | d | [in] order of derivative |
[in] | order | [in] order of accuracy of derivative (default 4) |
Definition at line 172 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
set a UltraSpherical operator acting with respect to the collocated grid (keeps everything in UltraSpherical space), take in Chebyshev coefficients and outputs coefficients in C(d) coefficient space
[in] | x | [in] grid (must be created from set_Cheby_y or set_Cheby_mapped_y) |
[in] | d | [in] order of the derivative (default 1) |
Definition at line 338 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
SPIVec SPI::set_FD_stretched_y | ( | PetscScalar | y_max, |
PetscInt | ny, | ||
PetscScalar | delta | ||
) |
set stretched grid from [0,y_max] using tanh stretching for use with finite difference operators
[in] | y_max | [in] upper bound of y in [0,y_max] |
[in] | ny | [in] number of points to use in the domain |
[in] | delta | [in] stretching parameter, near zero is no stretching, (default 2.0001) |
Definition at line 214 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
SPIVec SPI::set_Fourier_t | ( | PetscScalar | T, |
PetscInt | nt | ||
) |
create a Fourier grid from [0,T]
[in] | T | [in] period or end point for [0,T] domain |
[in] | nt | [in] number of points |
Definition at line 392 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
set a T and That operators acting with respect to the Chebyshev collocated grid, That: physical -> Chebyshev coefficient, T: Chebyshev coefficient -> physical
[in] | n | [in] number of discretized points in Chebyshev grid |
Definition at line 367 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
take the sin of each element in a matrix
Definition at line 2025 of file SPIMat.cpp.
take the sin of each element in a vector
Definition at line 706 of file SPIVec.cpp.
take the sinh of each element in a vector
Definition at line 723 of file SPIVec.cpp.
Solve linear system, Ax=b using solve(A,b) notation.
[in] | A | [in] A in Ax=b |
[in] | b | [in] b in Ax=b |
Definition at line 596 of file SPIMat.cpp.
expand a 1D vector to a 2D vector copying data along time dimension
[in] | grid2D | [in] 3D grid containing wall-normal and time dimensions |
[in] | u | [in] vector to inflate to match the 3D operator |
Definition at line 850 of file SPIgrid.cpp.
take the atanh of each element in a vector
Definition at line 741 of file SPIVec.cpp.
PetscScalar SPI::sum | ( | SPIVec | x1 | ) |
take the sum of a vector
[in] | x1 | [in] vector to sum |
Definition at line 805 of file SPIVec.cpp.
std::tuple< std::vector< PetscReal >, std::vector< SPIVec >, std::vector< SPIVec > > SPI::svd | ( | const SPIMat & | A | ) |
solve SVD problem of A=U*E*V^H for skinny A matrix
[in] | A | [in] A to perform SVD decomposition A=U*E*V^H problem |
Definition at line 851 of file SPIMat.cpp.
take the tan of each element in a matrix
Definition at line 2031 of file SPIMat.cpp.
take the tan of each element in a vector
Definition at line 710 of file SPIVec.cpp.
take the tanh of each element in a vector
Definition at line 727 of file SPIVec.cpp.
PetscScalar SPI::trapz | ( | SPIVec | y | ) |
trapezoidal integration of y with unity coordinate spacing, \(\int y dx \)
[in] | y | [in] vector to integrate, assuming default spacing of one |
Definition at line 898 of file SPIVec.cpp.
trapezoidal integration of y with x coordinates, \(\int y dx \)
[in] | y | [in] vector to integrate |
[in] | x | [in] optional, coordinates to integrate over, must be same size as y, and defaults to spacing of one if not given |
Definition at line 915 of file SPIVec.cpp.
SPIMat SPI::zeros | ( | const PetscInt | m, |
const PetscInt | n | ||
) |
create, form, and return zeros matrix of size mxn
[in] | m | [in] m size of zero matrix |
[in] | n | [in] n size of zero matrix |
Definition at line 708 of file SPIMat.cpp.
SPIVec SPI::zeros | ( | const PetscInt | rows | ) |
create and return a vector of size rows full of zeros
[in] | rows | [in] size of vector to create |
Definition at line 614 of file SPIVec.cpp.