SPIVec | SPI::operator/ (const PetscScalar a, const SPIVec &A) |
SPIVec | SPI::operator* (const PetscScalar a, const SPIVec &A) |
SPIVec | SPI::operator+ (const PetscScalar a, const SPIVec &A) |
SPIVec | SPI::operator- (const PetscScalar a, const SPIVec &A) |
PetscInt | SPI::save (const SPIVec &A, std::string filename) |
PetscInt | SPI::save (std::vector< PetscScalar > A, std::string variablename, std::string filename) |
PetscInt | SPI::save (std::vector< SPIVec > A, std::string variablename, std::string filename) |
PetscInt | SPI::load (SPIVec &A, const std::string filename) |
SPIVec | SPI::ones (const PetscInt rows) |
SPIVec | SPI::zeros (const PetscInt rows) |
SPIVec | SPI::conj (const SPIVec &A) |
SPIVec | SPI::real (const SPIVec &A) |
| return the real part of the vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::imag (const SPIVec &A) |
| return the imaginary part of the vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::linspace (const PetscScalar begin, const PetscScalar end, const PetscInt _rows) |
| return linspace of number of rows equally spaced points between begin and end More...
SPIVec | SPI::arange (const PetscScalar begin, const PetscScalar end, const PetscScalar stepsize) |
| return a range of number of equally spaced points between begin and end by step size step More...
SPIVec | SPI::arange (const PetscScalar end) |
template<class T > |
SPIVec | SPI::_Function_on_each_element (T(*f)(T const &), const SPIVec &A) |
| take the function of each element in a vector, e.g. (*f)(A(i)) for each i More...
SPIVec | SPI::sin (const SPIVec &A) |
| take the sin of each element in a vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::cos (const SPIVec &A) |
| take the cos of each element in a vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::tan (const SPIVec &A) |
| take the tan of each element in a vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::exp (const SPIVec &A) |
| take the exp of each element in a vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::log (const SPIVec &A) |
| take the log (natural log) of each element in a vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::log10 (const SPIVec &A) |
| take the log10 of each element in a vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::sinh (const SPIVec &A) |
| take the sinh of each element in a vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::cosh (const SPIVec &A) |
| take the cosh of each element in a vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::tanh (const SPIVec &A) |
| take the tanh of each element in a vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::asin (const SPIVec &A) |
| take the asin of each element in a vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::acos (const SPIVec &A) |
| take the acos of each element in a vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::atan (const SPIVec &A) |
| take the atan of each element in a vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::asinh (const SPIVec &A) |
| take the asinh of each element in a vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::acosh (const SPIVec &A) |
| take the acosh of each element in a vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::atanh (const SPIVec &A) |
| take the atanh of each element in a vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::sqrt (const SPIVec &A) |
| take the atanh of each element in a vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::erf (const SPIVec &A) |
| take the erf of each element in a vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::erfc (const SPIVec &A) |
| take the erfc(z) = 1-erf(z) of each element in a vector More...
template<class T > |
SPIVec | SPI::_Function_on_each_element (T(*f)(T const &, T const &), const SPIVec &A, SPIVec &B) |
| function to take element by element of two vectors e.g. (*f)(A(i),B(i)) for all i More...
SPIVec | SPI::pow (const SPIVec &A, SPIVec &B) |
| take the pow of each element in the vectors More...
SPIVec | SPI::pow (const SPIVec &A, PetscScalar b) |
| take the pow of each element in the vector (A^b) More...
PetscScalar | SPI::dot (SPIVec x, SPIVec y) |
| take the inner product of the two vectors (i.e. y^H x) where ^H is the complex conjugate transpose More...
SPIVec | SPI::abs (const SPIVec &A) |
| take the absolute value of a vector More...
PetscScalar | SPI::sum (SPIVec x1) |
| take the sum of a vector More...
PetscScalar | SPI::integrate_coeffs (const SPIVec &a) |
| integrate a vector of chebyshev Coefficients on a grid More...
PetscScalar | SPI::integrate_coeffs (const SPIVec &a, const SPIVec &y) |
| integrate a vector of chebyshev Coefficients on a stretched grid More...
PetscReal | SPI::L2 (SPIVec x1, const SPIVec x2, NormType type) |
| calculate the \( L_2 \) norm of the difference between \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) vectors. More...
PetscReal | SPI::L2 (const SPIVec x1, NormType type) |
| calculate the \( L_2 \) norm of the vector More...
SPIVec | SPI::diff (SPIVec x) |
| diff of the vector (see numpy.diff) More...
PetscScalar | SPI::trapz (SPIVec y) |
| trapezoidal integration of y with unity coordinate spacing, \(\int y dx \) More...
PetscScalar | SPI::trapz (SPIVec y, SPIVec x) |
| trapezoidal integration of y with x coordinates, \(\int y dx \) More...
PetscInt | SPI::draw (const SPIVec &x) |
| draw nonzero structure and wait at command line input More...