![]() |
Namespace containing all functions and data classes for this solver. More...
Data Structures | |
struct | Mat_4terms |
structure for 4 mats to have u_term, v_term, w_term, P_term Mat More... | |
class | SPE |
Class to contain various variables for SPE solution. More... | |
Functions | |
PetscInt | Ax_b (const PetscScalar *const *Ain, Vec &x, const PetscScalar bin[], const PetscInt &n) |
Solves \(x\) in \(Ax=b\) linalg problem using PETSc in parallel Useful for solving small systems of equations, such as finite difference coefficients for given stencils. More... | |
PetscInt | Ax_b (const Mat &A, Vec &x, const Vec &b, const PetscInt &n) |
Solves \(x\) in \(Ax=b\) linalg problem using PETSc in parallel. More... | |
PetscInt | Ax_kBx (const Mat &A, const Mat &B, PetscScalar &kr, PetscScalar &ki, Vec &xr, Vec &xi, PetscScalar target=0.54213+0.082968 *PETSC_i, PetscInt nev=1, EPSWhich which=EPS_TARGET_MAGNITUDE) |
Solves \(x\) in \(Ax=kBx\) eigenvalue problem using SLEPc in parallel. More... | |
int | base_flow (SPE &data) |
set plane channel or blasius boundary layer flow velocity variables \(U, U_x, U_y,\) and etc Note: type_base_flow has an integer flag that corresponds with the following flow types More... | |
int | _bblf (const PetscScalar input[3], PetscScalar output[3]) |
Blasius boundary layer function to integrate. Similarity Blasius ODE broken into three coupled equations \[ \begin{aligned} f'' &= \int -ff'' d\eta\\ f' &= \int f'' d\eta\\ f &= \int f' d\eta\\ \end{aligned} \] . More... | |
int | base_flow_dim (SPE &data) |
Use this after base_flow(data) call to set the ny matrices to size dim. So U is set into U_dim. More... | |
int | calc_Closure (PetscScalar &I, SPE &data, Vec &q, Vec &qp1) |
calculate the closure equation \( \int_{\Omega} \hat{\textbf{q}}^\dagger \hat{\textbf{q}}_x d\Omega \) and output the result More... | |
int | calc_L2 (PetscReal &error, Vec &x1, Vec &x2, PetscInt n, NormType type=NORM_2) |
calculate the \( L_2 \) norm of the difference between \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) vectors and return More... | |
int | calc_L2 (PetscReal &error, Mat &x1, Mat &x2, PetscInt n, NormType type=NORM_2) |
calculate the \( L_2 \) norm of the difference between \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) matrix diagonals and return More... | |
int | calc_LST (SPE &data, PetscScalar target_alpha, PetscScalar &alpha, Vec &qp1_OSS, Vec &qp1) |
calculate the Local Stability Theory (LST) Orr-Sommerfeld Squire equations in primitive variables at this x-location and store the alpha and qp1 of the target spatial values. More... | |
int | Create_grid (SPE &data, PetscScalar deltay=0.) |
create y and z grid and stretch in y direction using stretching if deltay is nonzero More... | |
unsigned | factorial (unsigned n) |
calculate the factorial of an integer More... | |
PetscInt | get_D_Coeffs (const PetscScalar s[], const PetscInt &n, Vec &output, const PetscInt &d=2) |
Solve arbitrary stencil points s of length N with order of derivatives d<N can be obtained from equation on MIT website http://web.media.mit.edu/~crtaylor/calculator.html where the accuracy is determined as the usual form O(h^(N-d)) More... | |
int | Init_Mat (Mat &A, const PetscInt &n) |
Initialize a Matrix A to be of size nxn. More... | |
int | Init_Mat (Mat &A, const PetscInt &m, const PetscInt &n) |
Initialize a Matrix A to be of size mxn. More... | |
int | Init_Vec (Vec &x, const PetscInt &n) |
Initialize a vector x to be of size n. More... | |
PetscInt | map_D (Mat &output, SPE &data, const PetscInt &n, Vec &yVec, const PetscInt &order=2, const PetscInt &d=2, const PetscBool &periodic=PETSC_FALSE, const PetscBool &staggered=PETSC_FALSE, const PetscBool &reduce_wall_order=PETSC_TRUE) |
map D matrix operator for specified order and derivative, for a non-uniform mesh More... | |
PetscErrorCode | printScalar (const PetscScalar x[], const PetscInt n=1, char const name[]="x", const PetscViewer viewer=PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD) |
Print PetscScalar variable to screen. More... | |
PetscErrorCode | printReal (const PetscReal x[], const PetscInt n=1, char const name[]="x", const PetscViewer viewer=PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD) |
Print PetscReal variable to screen. More... | |
PetscErrorCode | printVec (const Vec &x, const PetscInt n, char const name[]="x") |
Print Vec from PETSc type variable to screen. More... | |
PetscErrorCode | printInt (const PetscInt x[], const PetscInt n=1, char const name[]="x") |
Print PetscInt variable to screen. More... | |
void | printVecView (const Vec &x, char const name[]="x viewer", const PetscViewerFormat format=PETSC_VIEWER_DEFAULT) |
view PetscVec variable to screen Open an X-window viewer. Note that we specify the same communicator for the viewer as we used for the distributed vector (PETSC_COMM_WORLD). More... | |
PetscInt | printMatView (const Mat &A, char const name[]="A viewer", const PetscViewerFormat format=PETSC_VIEWER_DEFAULT) |
view Petsc Mat variable to screen Open an X-window viewer. Note that we specify the same communicator for the viewer as we used for the distributed vector (PETSC_COMM_WORLD). More... | |
PetscInt | printMatASCII (const Mat &A, char const name[]="printMatASCII.txt", const PetscViewerFormat format=PETSC_VIEWER_DEFAULT) |
view Petsc Mat variable to ASCII file More... | |
PetscInt | printMatASCII (const Mat &A, std::string name, const PetscViewerFormat format=PETSC_VIEWER_DEFAULT) |
view Petsc Mat variable to ASCII file More... | |
void | printMatGetDiagonalASCII (const Mat &A, char const name[]="printMatGetDiagonalASCII.txt", const PetscViewerFormat format=PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_MATLAB) |
print diagonal of Petsc Mat variable to ASCII file More... | |
void | printVecASCII (const Vec &b, char const name[]="printVecASCII.txt", const PetscViewerFormat format=PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_MATLAB) |
view Petsc Vec variable to ASCII file More... | |
PetscErrorCode | printClosureIter (SPE &data) |
print iteration residuals to screen from update_Closure iterations More... | |
PetscErrorCode | printNonlinearIter (SPE &data) |
print iteration residuals to screen from update_Nonlinear iterations More... | |
void | printHeaderIter () |
print iteration residuals header to screen More... | |
PetscErrorCode | printBaseNonlinearIter (SPE &data, PetscReal basenonlinear_error, PetscInt basenonlinear_iter) |
print iteration residuals to screen from baseflow nonlinear iterations More... | |
int | Read_input_file (SPE &data, char const buff[]="input_file.json") |
Read an input file written in json format. More... | |
int | set_input_value (Json::Value &val, const char buff[], PetscInt &v) |
take Json data and save it to value if it exists More... | |
int | set_input_value (Json::Value &val, const char buff[], PetscReal &v) |
take Json data and save it to value if it exists More... | |
int | set_input_value (Json::Value &val, const char buff[], PetscScalar &v) |
take Json data and save it to value if it exists More... | |
int | set_input_value (Json::Value &val, const char buff[], PetscBool &v) |
take Json data and save it to value if it exists More... | |
int | set_input_value (Json::Value &val, const char buff[], char *v) |
take Json data and save it to value if it exists More... | |
int | set_input_value (Json::Value &val, const char buff[], std::string &v) |
take Json data and save it to value if it exists More... | |
int | Read_q (SPE &data, std::string &buff) |
Read q from a tofile output from python. More... | |
int | Read_q (Vec &output, const int n, std::string &buff) |
Read q from a tofile output from python. More... | |
int | Read_q (PetscScalar output[], const int n, std::string &buff) |
Read y from a tofile output from python. More... | |
int | Read_q (PetscScalar &output, std::string &buff) |
Read complex scalar from a tofile output from python. More... | |
PetscErrorCode | Read_MatLabVec (Vec &output, std::string &buff) |
Read complex scalar vector from a matlab file (be sure this uses the PetscBinaryWrite() MatLab function) More... | |
PetscErrorCode | Read_MatLabMat (Mat &output, std::string &buff) |
Read complex scalar matrix from a matlab file (be sure this uses the PetscBinaryWrite() MatLab function) More... | |
PetscErrorCode | Read_MatLab (SPE &data, std::string &buff) |
Read input matrix and vectors input data from a matlab files (be sure this uses the PetscBinaryWrite() MatLab function) Reads and sets y, yVec, z, zVec, q, qp1, alpha, Deltay, and Deltaz quantities in the SPE class. More... | |
PetscInt | set_A_and_B_OSS_zi (SPE &data, const PetscInt &zi=0) |
set A and B matrix for Orr-Sommerfeld equations for zi plane Note that the wavelike ansatz is \(u=\hat{u}(y,z) \exp (i (-\omega t + \alpha x))\) \[ \begin{aligned} (-i \omega - \frac{1}{Re}(\partial_y^2 + \partial_z^2))\hat{u} + U' \hat{v} &= \alpha (-i \hat{P} - \frac{i}{Re}(\partial_y \hat{v} + \partial_z \hat{w}) - iU \hat{u})\\ (-i \omega - \frac{1}{Re}(\partial_y^2 + \partial_z^2))\hat{v} + \partial_y \hat{P} &= \alpha (- \frac{1}{Re}(\alpha \hat{v}) - iU \hat{v})\\ (\alpha \hat{v}) &= \alpha \cdot \hat{v}\\ (-i \omega - \frac{1}{Re}(\partial_y^2 + \partial_z^2))\hat{w} + \partial_z \hat{P} &= \alpha (- \frac{1}{Re}(\alpha \hat{w}) - iU \hat{w})\\ (\alpha \hat{w}) &= \alpha \cdot \hat{w}\\ \partial_y \hat{v} + \partial_z \hat{w} &= \alpha (-i \hat{u})\\ \end{aligned}\] Where we have \[ \begin{aligned} \mathbf{z}_i= \begin{bmatrix} \hat{u}\\ \alpha \hat{v}\\ \hat{v}\\ \alpha \hat{w}\\ \hat{w}\\ \hat{P} \end{bmatrix}_{z=z(i)} \textrm{ and } & \mathbf{q} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{z}_1\\ \mathbf{z}_2\\ \vdots \\ \mathbf{z}_{nz - 1}\\ \mathbf{z}_{nz}\\ \end{bmatrix}\\ \end{aligned}\] To solve the spatial eigenvalue problem \(\mathbf{\mathcal{A}q} = \alpha \mathbf{\mathcal{B}q}\) More... | |
PetscInt | set_A_and_Ds (SPE &data, PetscScalar &alpha) |
set A and B matrix for SPE equations More... | |
PetscInt | set_A_and_Ds (SPE &data) |
set A and B matrix for SPE equations, this is called from set_A_and_Ds(data,alplha) function This is used to set the full 3D operators (y,z, and t) More... | |
PetscInt | set_A_and_Ds_nonlinear (SPE &data) |
set A and D matrix linear terms for SPE equations for nonlinear terms More... | |
PetscInt | set_A_and_Ds_zi (SPE &data, PetscScalar &alpha, const PetscInt &zi=0) |
set A and B matrix linear terms for SPE equations for zi plane (also sets the permutation matrices to extract u from q, etc. More... | |
PetscInt | set_b (const Mat &B, const Vec &qn, Vec &b) |
set b vector from B and q as b=B*q More... | |
PetscInt | set_BCs (Mat &A, Vec &b, const PetscInt &ny, const PetscInt &nz) |
sets Boundary Condition equations in Matrix A and vector b in Ax=b linear system for solving the SPE equations More... | |
PetscInt | set_BCs (SPE &data) |
sets Boundary Condition equations in Matrix A and Matrix B in A+ B*dqdx=0 linear system for solving the SPE equations More... | |
PetscInt | set_Crank_Nicolson_Advance (SPE &data, Vec &q, PetscScalar &alpha) |
set up Crank-Nicolson advancing matrices A x = b system by creating matrices and setting BCs More... | |
PetscInt | set_D (const PetscScalar y[], const PetscScalar yP[], const PetscInt &n, Mat &output, SPE &data, const PetscInt &order=2, const PetscInt &d=2, const PetscBool &periodic=PETSC_FALSE, const PetscBool &staggered=PETSC_FALSE, const PetscBool &reduce_wall_order=PETSC_TRUE, const PetscBool &uniform=PETSC_TRUE) |
set D matrix operator for specified order and derivative More... | |
PetscInt | set_D_fourier (const PetscInt N, const PetscScalar &T, Mat &output, const PetscInt &d=1) |
set D matrix operator for specified derivative using fouier collocated points More... | |
PetscInt | set_D (SPE &data) |
set D matrices and operators for use in OSS and SPE More... | |
PetscInt | set_Euler_Advance (SPE &data, Vec &q, PetscScalar &alpha) |
set up Euler advancing matrices A x = b system by creating matrices and setting BCs More... | |
PetscInt | set_Mat (const PetscScalar *const *Ain, const PetscInt &n, Mat &A, const InsertMode &addv=ADD_VALUES) |
set a matrix from PetscScalar 2D matrix to PETSc Mat type in parallel More... | |
PetscInt | set_Mat (const PetscScalar &diag, const PetscInt &n, Mat &A, const PetscInt &k=0, const PetscBool ¶llel=PETSC_TRUE, const InsertMode &addv=ADD_VALUES) |
set a diagonal of a matrix from scalar More... | |
PetscInt | set_Mat (Mat &A) |
Assemble matrix. More... | |
PetscInt | set_Mat (const PetscScalar &value, const PetscInt &row, const PetscInt &col, Mat &A, const PetscBool ¶llel=PETSC_TRUE, const InsertMode &addv=ADD_VALUES) |
set a single value in matrix at row,col More... | |
PetscInt | set_Mat (const PetscScalar &a, const Mat &Asub, const PetscInt &nsub, Mat &A, const PetscInt &n, const PetscInt &rowoffset=0, const PetscInt &coloffset=0, const InsertMode &addv=ADD_VALUES) |
set a submatrix Asub in a matrix A More... | |
PetscInt | set_Mat (const PetscScalar *Ain, const PetscInt &row, const PetscInt &ncols, const PetscInt cols[], Mat &A, const InsertMode &addv=ADD_VALUES) |
set a row of PetscScalar to a matrix to PETSc Mat More... | |
PetscInt | set_Mat (const PetscScalar &a, const Mat &Dz, const PetscInt &nz, const PetscInt &ny, const PetscInt &zi, Mat &A, const PetscInt &n, const PetscInt &nvars=4, const PetscInt &rowoffset=0, const PetscInt &coloffset=0, const InsertMode &addv=ADD_VALUES) |
set a Dz submatrix into A More... | |
PetscInt | set_MatDiagonalScale (const Mat &diag_to_scale, const Mat &Asub, const PetscInt &nsub, Mat &A, const PetscInt &n, const PetscInt &rowoffset=0, const PetscInt &coloffset=0, const InsertMode &addv=ADD_VALUES) |
set a scaled matrix, (rows are scaled by matrix, using A=LA and MatDiagonalScale) More... | |
PetscInt | set_Mat_broadcast_from_colVec (Vec &x, PetscInt &n, Mat &A) |
set a matrix from a column vector (broadcast the column vector to all columns of a matrix Be sure that A is already initialized More... | |
PetscInt | set_Mat_from_Vec (Vec &x, PetscInt &ny, PetscInt &nz, PetscInt &rowoffset, Mat &A, const InsertMode &addv=ADD_VALUES) |
set a matrix A (large ny*nz*4) from a vector (ny*nz) (used in the diagonals) at a certain rowoffset (between 0-ny*3). Be sure that A is already initialized More... | |
PetscInt | set_Mat_kron (const Mat &A, const Mat &B, Mat &C) |
Kronecker tensor product of two matrices A and B to make C If A is m by n, and B is p by q, then C will be m*p by n*q matrix formed by taking all possible products between the elements of A and the matrix B. See wikipedia for more information here. More... | |
PetscInt | set_Mat_aPDdim_to_A (PetscScalar a, Mat &P, Mat &D, Mat &A) |
PetscInt | set_P (SPE &data) |
set permutation matrices and operators for use in OSS and SPE More... | |
PetscInt | set_Vec (const PetscScalar *bin, const PetscInt &n, Vec &b, const PetscBool ¶llel=PETSC_TRUE) |
set a vector from PetscScalar 1D vector to PETSc Vec type in parallel More... | |
PetscInt | set_Vec (Vec &b) |
Assemble b vector. More... | |
PetscInt | set_Vec (const PetscScalar &bin, const PetscInt &n, Vec &b) |
set a vector from PetscScalar to PETSc Vec in location n More... | |
PetscInt | set_Vec (const Vec &inVec, const PetscInt &low, const PetscInt &hi, Vec &b) |
set a subvector from larger vector from low to hi indices More... | |
PetscInt | set_Vec_linspace (PetscScalar a, const PetscScalar b, const PetscInt n, PetscScalar y[]) |
set values of y, use linspace similar to matlab, creates on every processor More... | |
int | trapz (const Vec &q, PetscScalar &I, SPE &data) |
trapezoidal rule on Vec with ny,nz values More... | |
PetscErrorCode | trapz_4nynznt (const Vec &q, PetscScalar &I, SPE &data) |
trapezoidal rule on Vec with 4,ny,nz,nt values More... | |
int | update_Closure (SPE &data, Vec &q, Vec &qp1, PetscScalar &alpha, const PetscInt &maxiter=50) |
calculate the closure equation \( \int_\Omega \hat{\textbf{q}}^\dagger \hat{\textbf{q}}_x dy \) and output the result This is part of the solution procedure shown in the bottom half of this diagram More... | |
int | update_Nonlinear (SPE &data, Vec &q, Vec &qp1, PetscScalar &alpha_old, PetscScalar &alpha, PetscScalar &Ialpha_old, PetscScalar &Ialpha, const PetscInt &maxiter=50) |
advance the Nonlinear SPE system one x step More... | |
Namespace containing all functions and data classes for this solver.
int SPE::_bblf | ( | const PetscScalar | input[3], |
PetscScalar | output[3] | ||
) |
Blasius boundary layer function to integrate. Similarity Blasius ODE broken into three coupled equations
\[ \begin{aligned} f'' &= \int -ff'' d\eta\\ f' &= \int f'' d\eta\\ f &= \int f' d\eta\\ \end{aligned} \]
[in] | input | \([f'', f', f]^T\) state at \( \eta_i \) |
[out] | output | \([f'', f', f]^T\) state at \(\eta_{i+1} \) |
PetscInt SPE::Ax_b | ( | const PetscScalar *const * | Ain, |
Vec & | x, | ||
const PetscScalar | bin[], | ||
const PetscInt & | n | ||
) |
Solves \(x\) in \(Ax=b\) linalg problem using PETSc in parallel Useful for solving small systems of equations, such as finite difference coefficients for given stencils.
[in] | Ain | input of 2D \(A\) matrix in \(Ax=b\) (must be dynamic pointer to pointer) |
[in,out] | x | vector of \(x\) in \(Ax=b\) (already initialized) |
[in] | bin | vector of \(b\) in \(Ax=b\) |
[in] | n | n size of vectors or nxn matrix \(A\) |
PetscInt SPE::Ax_b | ( | const Mat & | A, |
Vec & | x, | ||
const Vec & | b, | ||
const PetscInt & | n | ||
) |
Solves \(x\) in \(Ax=b\) linalg problem using PETSc in parallel.
[in] | A | input of A matrix in \(Ax=b\) |
[in,out] | x | vector of \(x\) in \(Ax=b\) (already initialized) |
[in] | b | vector of \(b\) in \(Ax=b\) |
[in] | n | n size of vectors or nxn matrix \(A\) |
PetscInt SPE::Ax_kBx | ( | const Mat & | A, |
const Mat & | B, | ||
PetscScalar & | kr, | ||
PetscScalar & | ki, | ||
Vec & | xr, | ||
Vec & | xi, | ||
PetscScalar | target = 0.54213+0.082968*PETSC_i , |
PetscInt | nev = 1 , |
) |
Solves \(x\) in \(Ax=kBx\) eigenvalue problem using SLEPc in parallel.
[in] | A | input of A matrix in \(Ax=kBx\) |
[in] | B | input of B matrix in \(Ax=kBx\) |
[out] | kr | real part of eigenvalue |
[out] | ki | imag part of eigenvalue |
[out] | xr | vector of \(x\) in \(Ax=kBx\) (already initialized) |
[out] | xi | vector of \(x\) in \(Ax=kBx\) (already initialized) |
[in] | target | target eigenvalue to solve around using the which parameter |
[in] | nev | number of eigenvalues to compute |
[in] | which | portion of spectrum to be sought |
int SPE::base_flow | ( | SPE & | data | ) |
set plane channel or blasius boundary layer flow velocity variables \(U, U_x, U_y,\) and etc Note: type_base_flow has an integer flag that corresponds with the following flow types
[in,out] | data | data from class passed in and out |
int SPE::base_flow_dim | ( | SPE & | data | ) |
Use this after base_flow(data) call to set the ny matrices to size dim. So U is set into U_dim.
[in,out] | data | data from class passed in and out |
int SPE::calc_Closure | ( | PetscScalar & | I, |
SPE & | data, | ||
Vec & | q, | ||
Vec & | qp1 | ||
) |
calculate the closure equation \( \int_{\Omega} \hat{\textbf{q}}^\dagger \hat{\textbf{q}}_x d\Omega \) and output the result
[out] | I | output integral value |
[in,out] | data | data class to store values |
[in] | q | q at last marching step |
[in] | qp1 | q at current marching step |
int SPE::calc_L2 | ( | PetscReal & | error, |
Vec & | x1, | ||
Vec & | x2, | ||
PetscInt | n, | ||
NormType | type = NORM_2 |
) |
calculate the \( L_2 \) norm of the difference between \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) vectors and return
[out] | error | \(L_2\) norm of the difference between \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) vectors |
[in] | x1 | \(x_1\) vector |
[in] | x2 | \(x_2\) vector |
[in] | n | size of vectors |
[in] | type | type of norm (default NORM_2 \(\sqrt{\sum |x_1-x_2|^2}\) |
int SPE::calc_L2 | ( | PetscReal & | error, |
Mat & | x1, | ||
Mat & | x2, | ||
PetscInt | n, | ||
NormType | type = NORM_2 |
) |
calculate the \( L_2 \) norm of the difference between \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) matrix diagonals and return
[out] | error | \(L_2\) norm of the difference between \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) vectors |
[in] | x1 | \(x_1\) diagonal matrix |
[in] | x2 | \(x_2\) diagonal matrix |
[in] | n | size of vectors |
[in] | type | type of norm (default NORM_2 \(\sqrt{\sum |x_1-x_2|^2}\) |
int SPE::calc_LST | ( | SPE & | data, |
PetscScalar | target_alpha, | ||
PetscScalar & | alpha, | ||
Vec & | qp1_OSS, | ||
Vec & | qp1 | ||
) |
calculate the Local Stability Theory (LST) Orr-Sommerfeld Squire equations in primitive variables at this x-location and store the alpha and qp1 of the target spatial values.
[in,out] | data | data class to store values |
[in] | target_alpha | target alpha guess |
[out] | alpha | alpha from OSS solver |
[out] | qp1_OSS | eigenvector of size data.dimOSS |
[out] | qp1 | eigenvector of size data.dim |
int SPE::Create_grid | ( | SPE & | data, |
PetscScalar | deltay = 0. |
) |
create y and z grid and stretch in y direction using stretching if deltay is nonzero
[in,out] | data | data class to hold data |
[in] | deltay | stretching in y direction using hyperbolic stretching function |
unsigned SPE::factorial | ( | unsigned | n | ) |
calculate the factorial of an integer
[out] | n | input integer to perform factorial on |
PetscInt SPE::get_D_Coeffs | ( | const PetscScalar | s[], |
const PetscInt & | n, | ||
Vec & | output, | ||
const PetscInt & | d = 2 |
) |
Solve arbitrary stencil points s of length N with order of derivatives d<N can be obtained from equation on MIT website http://web.media.mit.edu/~crtaylor/calculator.html where the accuracy is determined as the usual form O(h^(N-d))
ierr from Ax=b solver
[in] | s | array of stencil points e.g. [-3,-2,-1,0,1] |
[in] | n | size of stencil |
[out] | output | output of coefficient values for the given stencil (uninitialized) |
[in] | d | order of desired derivative (default=2) |
int SPE::Init_Mat | ( | Mat & | A, |
const PetscInt & | n | ||
) |
Initialize a Matrix A to be of size nxn.
[out] | A | A matrix to initialize in MPI (uninitialized) |
[in] | n | number of global rows and columns |
int SPE::Init_Mat | ( | Mat & | A, |
const PetscInt & | m, | ||
const PetscInt & | n | ||
) |
Initialize a Matrix A to be of size mxn.
[out] | A | A matrix to initialize in MPI (uninitialized) |
[in] | m | number of global rows |
[in] | n | number of global columns |
int SPE::Init_Vec | ( | Vec & | x, |
const PetscInt & | n | ||
) |
Initialize a vector x to be of size n.
[out] | x | x vector to initialize in MPI (uninitialized) |
[in] | n | size of vector |
PetscInt SPE::map_D | ( | Mat & | output, |
SPE & | data, | ||
const PetscInt & | n, | ||
Vec & | yVec, | ||
const PetscInt & | order = 2 , |
const PetscInt & | d = 2 , |
const PetscBool & | periodic = PETSC_FALSE , |
const PetscBool & | staggered = PETSC_FALSE , |
const PetscBool & | reduce_wall_order = PETSC_TRUE |
) |
map D matrix operator for specified order and derivative, for a non-uniform mesh
[in,out] | output | matrix(n by n) dth derivative of order O(h^order) assuming uniform xi spacing coming in (initialized), then output a non-uniform derivative w.r.t. y |
[in] | data | data class to have flags |
[in] | n | length of y values |
[in] | yVec | y non-uniform data pts of interest |
[in] | order | order of accuracy desired (assuming even e.g. 2,4,6,...) |
[in] | d | dth derivative |
[in] | periodic | periodic boundary |
[in] | staggered | if setting staggered pressure derivative |
[in] | reduce_wall_order | reduce the order of accuracy at the wall? |
PetscErrorCode SPE::printBaseNonlinearIter | ( | SPE & | data, |
PetscReal | basenonlinear_error, | ||
PetscInt | basenonlinear_iter | ||
) |
print iteration residuals to screen from baseflow nonlinear iterations
[in] | data | data class storing iterations and residual values |
[in] | basenonlinear_error | nonlinear error for the baseflow |
[in] | basenonlinear_iter | base flow nonlinear iteration |
PetscErrorCode SPE::printClosureIter | ( | SPE & | data | ) |
print iteration residuals to screen from update_Closure iterations
[in] | data | data class storing iterations and residual values |
void SPE::printHeaderIter | ( | ) |
print iteration residuals header to screen
PetscErrorCode SPE::printInt | ( | const PetscInt | x[], |
const PetscInt | n = 1 , |
char const | name[] = "x" |
) |
Print PetscInt variable to screen.
[in] | x | PetscScalar array to print to screen |
[in] | n | size of scalar array to print |
[in] | name | name of variable to output default to 'x' |
PetscInt SPE::printMatASCII | ( | const Mat & | A, |
char const | name[] = "printMatASCII.txt" , |
const PetscViewerFormat | format = PETSC_VIEWER_DEFAULT |
) |
view Petsc Mat variable to ASCII file
-draw_pause <pause> : sets time (in seconds) that the program pauses after PetscDrawPause() has been called (0 is default, -1 implies until user input).
[in] | A | Petsc Mat nxn matrix to print to screen |
[in] | name | filename to write to |
[in] | format | format for viewer |
PetscInt SPE::printMatASCII | ( | const Mat & | A, |
std::string | name, | ||
const PetscViewerFormat | format = PETSC_VIEWER_DEFAULT |
) |
view Petsc Mat variable to ASCII file
-draw_pause <pause> : sets time (in seconds) that the program pauses after PetscDrawPause() has been called (0 is default, -1 implies until user input).
[in] | A | Petsc Mat nxn matrix to print to screen |
[in] | name | filename to write to |
[in] | format | format for viewer |
void SPE::printMatGetDiagonalASCII | ( | const Mat & | A, |
char const | name[] = "printMatGetDiagonalASCII.txt" , |
const PetscViewerFormat | format = PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_MATLAB |
) |
print diagonal of Petsc Mat variable to ASCII file
-draw_pause <pause> : sets time (in seconds) that the program pauses after PetscDrawPause() has been called (0 is default, -1 implies until user input).
[in] | A | Petsc Mat nxn matrix to print to screen |
[in] | name | filename to write to |
[in] | format | format for viewer |
PetscInt SPE::printMatView | ( | const Mat & | A, |
char const | name[] = "A viewer" , |
const PetscViewerFormat | format = PETSC_VIEWER_DEFAULT |
) |
view Petsc Mat variable to screen Open an X-window viewer. Note that we specify the same communicator for the viewer as we used for the distributed vector (PETSC_COMM_WORLD).
-draw_pause <pause> : sets time (in seconds) that the program pauses after PetscDrawPause() has been called (0 is default, -1 implies until user input).
[in] | A | Petsc Mat nxn matrix to print to screen |
[in] | name | name of variable to output default to 'A' |
[in] | format | format for viewer |
PetscErrorCode SPE::printNonlinearIter | ( | SPE & | data | ) |
print iteration residuals to screen from update_Nonlinear iterations
[in] | data | data class storing iterations and residual values |
PetscErrorCode SPE::printReal | ( | const PetscReal | x[], |
const PetscInt | n = 1 , |
char const | name[] = "x" , |
const PetscViewer | viewer = PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD |
) |
Print PetscReal variable to screen.
[in] | x | PetscReal array to print to screen |
[in] | n | size of scalar array to print |
[in] | name | name of variable to output default to 'x' |
[in] | viewer | format for viewer |
PetscErrorCode SPE::printScalar | ( | const PetscScalar | x[], |
const PetscInt | n = 1 , |
char const | name[] = "x" , |
const PetscViewer | viewer = PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD |
) |
Print PetscScalar variable to screen.
[in] | x | PetscScalar array to print to screen |
[in] | n | size of scalar array to print |
[in] | name | name of variable to output default to 'x' |
[in] | viewer | format for viewer |
PetscErrorCode SPE::printVec | ( | const Vec & | x, |
const PetscInt | n, | ||
char const | name[] = "x" |
) |
Print Vec from PETSc type variable to screen.
[in] | x | Vec array to print to screen |
[in] | n | size of scalar array to print |
[in] | name | name of variable to output default to 'x' |
void SPE::printVecASCII | ( | const Vec & | b, |
char const | name[] = "printVecASCII.txt" , |
const PetscViewerFormat | format = PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_MATLAB |
) |
view Petsc Vec variable to ASCII file
-draw_pause <pause> : sets time (in seconds) that the program pauses after PetscDrawPause() has been called (0 is default, -1 implies until user input).
[in] | b | Petsc Vec 1xn vector to print to screen |
[in] | name | filename to write to |
[in] | format | format for viewer |
void SPE::printVecView | ( | const Vec & | x, |
char const | name[] = "x viewer" , |
const PetscViewerFormat | format = PETSC_VIEWER_DEFAULT |
) |
view PetscVec variable to screen Open an X-window viewer. Note that we specify the same communicator for the viewer as we used for the distributed vector (PETSC_COMM_WORLD).
-draw_pause <pause> : sets time (in seconds) that the program pauses after PetscDrawPause() has been called (0 is default, -1 implies until user input).
[in] | x | PetscScalar array to print to screen |
[in] | name | name of variable to output default to 'x' |
[in] | format | format for viewer |
int SPE::Read_input_file | ( | SPE & | data, |
char const | buff[] = "input_file.json" |
) |
Read an input file written in json format.
[in,out] | data | data class to hold data |
[in] | buff | filename of binary to read (output of python script |
int SPE::Read_MatLab | ( | SPE & | data, |
std::string & | buff | ||
) |
Read input matrix and vectors input data from a matlab files (be sure this uses the PetscBinaryWrite() MatLab function) Reads and sets y, yVec, z, zVec, q, qp1, alpha, Deltay, and Deltaz quantities in the SPE class.
[in,out] | data | data class to hold data |
[in] | buff | filename (without endings) of binary matlab files to read (output of matlab script using PetscSpecific binary write functions and fwrite) |
PetscErrorCode SPE::Read_MatLabMat | ( | Mat & | output, |
std::string & | buff | ||
) |
Read complex scalar matrix from a matlab file (be sure this uses the PetscBinaryWrite() MatLab function)
[out] | output | complex scalar matrix to return after reading file (uninitialized) |
[in] | buff | filename of binary matlab file to read (output of matlab script using PetscSpecific binary write functions) |
PetscErrorCode SPE::Read_MatLabVec | ( | Vec & | output, |
std::string & | buff | ||
) |
Read complex scalar vector from a matlab file (be sure this uses the PetscBinaryWrite() MatLab function)
[out] | output | complex scalar vector to return after reading file (uninitialized) |
[in] | buff | filename of binary matlab file to read (output of matlab script using PetscSpecific binary write functions) |
int SPE::Read_q | ( | SPE & | data, |
std::string & | buff | ||
) |
Read q from a tofile output from python.
[in,out] | data | data class to hold data |
[in] | buff | filename of binary to read (output of python script) |
int SPE::Read_q | ( | Vec & | output, |
const int | n, | ||
std::string & | buff | ||
) |
Read q from a tofile output from python.
[in,out] | output | vector to return after reading file (already initialized) |
[in] | n | int size of vector |
[in] | buff | filename of binary to read (output of python script) |
int SPE::Read_q | ( | PetscScalar | output[], |
const int | n, | ||
std::string & | buff | ||
) |
Read y from a tofile output from python.
[out] | output | vector to return after reading file |
[in] | n | int size of vector |
[in] | buff | filename of binary to read (output of python script) |
int SPE::Read_q | ( | PetscScalar & | output, |
std::string & | buff | ||
) |
Read complex scalar from a tofile output from python.
[out] | output | complex scalar to return after reading file |
[in] | buff | filename of binary to read (output of python script) |
PetscInt SPE::set_A_and_B_OSS_zi | ( | SPE & | data, |
const PetscInt & | zi = 0 |
) |
set A and B matrix for Orr-Sommerfeld equations for zi plane Note that the wavelike ansatz is \(u=\hat{u}(y,z) \exp (i (-\omega t + \alpha x))\)
\[ \begin{aligned} (-i \omega - \frac{1}{Re}(\partial_y^2 + \partial_z^2))\hat{u} + U' \hat{v} &= \alpha (-i \hat{P} - \frac{i}{Re}(\partial_y \hat{v} + \partial_z \hat{w}) - iU \hat{u})\\ (-i \omega - \frac{1}{Re}(\partial_y^2 + \partial_z^2))\hat{v} + \partial_y \hat{P} &= \alpha (- \frac{1}{Re}(\alpha \hat{v}) - iU \hat{v})\\ (\alpha \hat{v}) &= \alpha \cdot \hat{v}\\ (-i \omega - \frac{1}{Re}(\partial_y^2 + \partial_z^2))\hat{w} + \partial_z \hat{P} &= \alpha (- \frac{1}{Re}(\alpha \hat{w}) - iU \hat{w})\\ (\alpha \hat{w}) &= \alpha \cdot \hat{w}\\ \partial_y \hat{v} + \partial_z \hat{w} &= \alpha (-i \hat{u})\\ \end{aligned}\]
Where we have
\[ \begin{aligned} \mathbf{z}_i= \begin{bmatrix} \hat{u}\\ \alpha \hat{v}\\ \hat{v}\\ \alpha \hat{w}\\ \hat{w}\\ \hat{P} \end{bmatrix}_{z=z(i)} \textrm{ and } & \mathbf{q} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{z}_1\\ \mathbf{z}_2\\ \vdots \\ \mathbf{z}_{nz - 1}\\ \mathbf{z}_{nz}\\ \end{bmatrix}\\ \end{aligned}\]
To solve the spatial eigenvalue problem \(\mathbf{\mathcal{A}q} = \alpha \mathbf{\mathcal{B}q}\)
[in,out] | data | data class to store values |
[in] | zi | zi plane of matrix |
PetscInt SPE::set_A_and_Ds | ( | SPE & | data, |
PetscScalar & | alpha | ||
) |
set A and B matrix for SPE equations
[in,out] | data | data class containing all matrices, vectors, scalars, and problem size |
[in] | alpha | \( \alpha \) eigenvalue from previous iteration |
PetscInt SPE::set_A_and_Ds | ( | SPE & | data | ) |
set A and B matrix for SPE equations, this is called from set_A_and_Ds(data,alplha) function This is used to set the full 3D operators (y,z, and t)
[in,out] | data | data class containing all matrices, vectors, scalars, and problem size |
PetscInt SPE::set_A_and_Ds_nonlinear | ( | SPE & | data | ) |
set A and D matrix linear terms for SPE equations for nonlinear terms
[in,out] | data | data class to store values |
PetscInt SPE::set_A_and_Ds_zi | ( | SPE & | data, |
PetscScalar & | alpha, | ||
const PetscInt & | zi = 0 |
) |
set A and B matrix linear terms for SPE equations for zi plane (also sets the permutation matrices to extract u from q, etc.
[in,out] | data | data class to store values |
[in] | alpha | eigenvalue from previous iteration |
[in] | zi | zi plane of matrix |
PetscInt SPE::set_b | ( | const Mat & | B, |
const Vec & | qn, | ||
Vec & | b | ||
) |
set b vector from B and q as b=B*q
[in] | B | B matrix |
[in] | qn | qn vector to multiply |
[in,out] | b | b Vec (already initialized) |
PetscInt SPE::set_BCs | ( | Mat & | A, |
Vec & | b, | ||
const PetscInt & | ny, | ||
const PetscInt & | nz | ||
) |
sets Boundary Condition equations in Matrix A and vector b in Ax=b linear system for solving the SPE equations
[in,out] | A | A matrix (already initialized) |
[in,out] | b | b Vec (already initialized) |
[in] | ny | size of y array |
[in] | nz | size of z array |
PetscInt SPE::set_BCs | ( | SPE & | data | ) |
sets Boundary Condition equations in Matrix A and Matrix B in A+ B*dqdx=0 linear system for solving the SPE equations
[in] | data | data class for flags |
PetscInt SPE::set_Crank_Nicolson_Advance | ( | SPE & | data, |
Vec & | q, | ||
PetscScalar & | alpha | ||
) |
set up Crank-Nicolson advancing matrices A x = b system by creating matrices and setting BCs
[in,out] | data | data class to store values |
[in] | q | q at last marching step |
[in] | alpha | eigenvalue from previous step |
PetscInt SPE::set_D | ( | const PetscScalar | y[], |
const PetscScalar | yP[], | ||
const PetscInt & | n, | ||
Mat & | output, | ||
SPE & | data, | ||
const PetscInt & | order = 2 , |
const PetscInt & | d = 2 , |
const PetscBool & | periodic = PETSC_FALSE , |
const PetscBool & | staggered = PETSC_FALSE , |
const PetscBool & | reduce_wall_order = PETSC_TRUE , |
const PetscBool & | uniform = PETSC_TRUE |
) |
set D matrix operator for specified order and derivative
if odd derivative
if odd derivative
if odd derivative
if odd derivative
[in] | y | array of y values |
[in] | yP | array of y values of semi-staggered pressure locations (size ny-1) |
[in] | n | length of y values |
[out] | output | matrix(n by n) dth derivative of order O(h^order) assuming uniform y spacing (uninitialized) |
[in] | data | data class to have flags |
[in] | order | order of accuracy desired (assuming even e.g. 2,4,6,...) (default 2) |
[in] | d | dth derivative (default 2) |
[in] | periodic | periodic boundary (default false) |
[in] | staggered | if setting staggered pressure derivative (default false) |
[in] | reduce_wall_order | reduce the order of accuracy at the wall? (default true) |
[in] | uniform | uniform mesh? (default true) |
PetscInt SPE::set_D | ( | SPE & | data | ) |
set D matrices and operators for use in OSS and SPE
[in] | data | data class to have flags |
PetscInt SPE::SPE::set_D_fourier | ( | const PetscInt | N, |
const PetscScalar & | T, | ||
Mat & | output, | ||
const PetscInt & | d = 1 |
) |
set D matrix operator for specified derivative using fouier collocated points
[in] | N | length of collocated points |
[in] | T | period of y values |
[out] | output | matrix(n by n) dth derivative of order O(h^order) assuming uniform y spacing (uninitialized) |
[in] | d | dth derivative (default 1) |
PetscInt SPE::set_Euler_Advance | ( | SPE & | data, |
Vec & | q, | ||
PetscScalar & | alpha | ||
) |
set up Euler advancing matrices A x = b system by creating matrices and setting BCs
[in,out] | data | data class to store values |
[in] | q | q at last marching step |
[in] | alpha | eigenvalue \( \alpha \) from the previous iteration |
int SPE::set_input_value | ( | Json::Value & | val, |
const char | buff[], | ||
PetscInt & | v | ||
) |
int SPE::set_input_value | ( | Json::Value & | val, |
const char | buff[], | ||
PetscReal & | v | ||
) |
int SPE::set_input_value | ( | Json::Value & | val, |
const char | buff[], | ||
PetscScalar & | v | ||
) |
int SPE::set_input_value | ( | Json::Value & | val, |
const char | buff[], | ||
PetscBool & | v | ||
) |
int SPE::set_input_value | ( | Json::Value & | val, |
const char | buff[], | ||
char * | v | ||
) |
int SPE::set_input_value | ( | Json::Value & | val, |
const char | buff[], | ||
std::string & | v | ||
) |
PetscInt SPE::set_Mat | ( | const PetscScalar *const * | Ain, |
const PetscInt & | n, | ||
Mat & | A, | ||
const InsertMode & | addv = ADD_VALUES |
) |
set a matrix from PetscScalar 2D matrix to PETSc Mat type in parallel
[in] | Ain | Matrix set on all processors as 2D array |
[in] | n | size of nxn matrix |
[out] | A | Mat to SetValues and output in parallel (uninitialized) |
[in] | addv | insert values or add values to matrix A |
PetscInt SPE::set_Mat | ( | const PetscScalar & | diag, |
const PetscInt & | n, | ||
Mat & | A, | ||
const PetscInt & | k = 0 , |
const PetscBool & | parallel = PETSC_TRUE , |
const InsertMode & | addv = ADD_VALUES |
) |
set a diagonal of a matrix from scalar
[in] | diag | scalar value to set as diagonal in matrix |
[in] | n | size of nxn matrix |
[in,out] | A | Mat to SetValues and output in parallel (already initialized) |
[in] | k | diagonal offset in matrix (k=0 is main diagonal, k>0 is above main diagonal, k<0 is below main diagonal) default is 0 |
[in] | parallel | set the matrix using Istart and Iend |
[in] | addv | insert values or add values to matrix A |
PetscInt SPE::set_Mat | ( | Mat & | A | ) |
Assemble matrix.
[in,out] | A | Mat to assemble (already initialized) |
PetscInt SPE::set_Mat | ( | const PetscScalar & | value, |
const PetscInt & | row, | ||
const PetscInt & | col, | ||
Mat & | A, | ||
const PetscBool & | parallel = PETSC_TRUE , |
const InsertMode & | addv = ADD_VALUES |
) |
set a single value in matrix at row,col
[in] | value | value to set in Mat A |
[in] | row | specified global row in Mat A |
[in] | col | specified global col in Mat A |
[in,out] | A | Matrix A to set value (already initialized) |
[in] | parallel | do this in parallel? |
[in] | addv | insert values or add values to matrix A |
PetscInt SPE::set_Mat | ( | const PetscScalar & | a, |
const Mat & | Asub, | ||
const PetscInt & | nsub, | ||
Mat & | A, | ||
const PetscInt & | n, | ||
const PetscInt & | rowoffset = 0 , |
const PetscInt & | coloffset = 0 , |
const InsertMode & | addv = ADD_VALUES |
) |
set a submatrix Asub in a matrix A
[in] | a | premultple to Asub |
[in] | Asub | sub matrix to set into mat |
[in] | nsub | nxn size of square sub matrix Asub |
[in,out] | A | Matrix A to set value (already initialized) |
[in] | n | size of square Matrix A |
[in] | rowoffset | start inserting Asub in A starting at rowoffset row |
[in] | coloffset | start inserting Asub in A starting at coloffset column |
[in] | addv | insert values or add values to matrix A |
PetscInt SPE::set_Mat | ( | const PetscScalar * | Ain, |
const PetscInt & | row, | ||
const PetscInt & | ncols, | ||
const PetscInt | cols[], | ||
Mat & | A, | ||
const InsertMode & | addv = ADD_VALUES |
) |
set a row of PetscScalar to a matrix to PETSc Mat
[in] | Ain | array to set in row of matrix |
[in] | row | row to set in matrix |
[in] | ncols | ncols of array |
[in] | cols | cols to set in matrix |
[in,out] | A | Mat to SetValues and output in parallel (already initialized) |
[in] | addv | insert values or add values to matrix A |
PetscInt SPE::set_Mat | ( | const PetscScalar & | a, |
const Mat & | Dz, | ||
const PetscInt & | nz, | ||
const PetscInt & | ny, | ||
const PetscInt & | zi, | ||
Mat & | A, | ||
const PetscInt & | n, | ||
const PetscInt & | nvars = 4 , |
const PetscInt & | rowoffset = 0 , |
const PetscInt & | coloffset = 0 , |
const InsertMode & | addv = ADD_VALUES |
) |
set a Dz submatrix into A
[in] | a | premultple to Dz |
[in] | Dz | sub matrix to set into mat in z direction |
[in] | nz | \(n_z \times n_z \) size of square sub matrix Dz |
[in] | ny | length of \( y \) array |
[in] | zi | which \( z \) plane you are looking at |
[in,out] | A | Matrix A to set value (already initialized) |
[in] | n | size of square Matrix A |
[in] | nvars | number of variables in vector 4 if (u,v,w,P) or 6 if (u, v, av, w, aw, P) |
[in] | rowoffset | start inserting Asub in A starting at rowoffset row |
[in] | coloffset | start inserting Asub in A starting at coloffset column |
[in] | addv | insert values or add values to matrix A |
PetscInt SPE::set_Mat_aPDdim_to_A | ( | PetscScalar | a, |
Mat & | P, | ||
Mat & | D, | ||
Mat & | A | ||
) |
[in] | a | Scalar to multiply Ddim by |
[in] | P | Permutation matrix to change block diagonal to fit desired input into A |
[in] | D | Derivative matrix (or similar) of size A |
[in,out] | A | Matrix that A += a*P (@ is matrix multiply) |
PetscInt SPE::set_Mat_broadcast_from_colVec | ( | Vec & | x, |
PetscInt & | n, | ||
Mat & | A | ||
) |
set a matrix from a column vector (broadcast the column vector to all columns of a matrix Be sure that A is already initialized
[in] | x | column Vec |
[in] | n | length of Vec |
[out] | A | Matrix of size nxn |
PetscInt SPE::set_Mat_from_Vec | ( | Vec & | x, |
PetscInt & | ny, | ||
PetscInt & | nz, | ||
PetscInt & | rowoffset, | ||
Mat & | A, | ||
const InsertMode & | addv = ADD_VALUES |
) |
set a matrix A (large ny*nz*4) from a vector (ny*nz) (used in the diagonals) at a certain rowoffset (between 0-ny*3). Be sure that A is already initialized
[in] | x | column Vec |
[in] | ny | length of Vec is ny*nz |
[in] | nz | length of Vec is ny*nz |
[in] | rowoffset | start inserting Vec in A starting at rowoffset row |
[in,out] | A | Matrix of size ny*nz*4 |
[in] | addv | insert values or add values to matrix A (default ADD_VALUES) |
PetscInt SPE::set_Mat_kron | ( | const Mat & | A, |
const Mat & | B, | ||
Mat & | C | ||
) |
Kronecker tensor product of two matrices A and B to make C If A is m by n, and B is p by q, then C will be m*p by n*q matrix formed by taking all possible products between the elements of A and the matrix B. See wikipedia for more information here.
[in] | A | First matrix \(m \times n\) |
[in] | B | Second matrix \(p \times q\) |
[out] | C | output matrix \(mp \times n*q\) |
PetscInt SPE::set_MatDiagonalScale | ( | const Mat & | diag_to_scale, |
const Mat & | Asub, | ||
const PetscInt & | nsub, | ||
Mat & | A, | ||
const PetscInt & | n, | ||
const PetscInt & | rowoffset = 0 , |
const PetscInt & | coloffset = 0 , |
const InsertMode & | addv = ADD_VALUES |
) |
set a scaled matrix, (rows are scaled by matrix, using A=LA and MatDiagonalScale)
[in] | diag_to_scale | premultple to scale the rows of Asub |
[in] | Asub | sub matrix to set into mat |
[in] | nsub | nxn size of square sub matrix Asub |
[in,out] | A | Matrix A to set value (already initialized) |
[in] | n | size of square Matrix A |
[in] | rowoffset | start inserting Asub in A starting at rowoffset row |
[in] | coloffset | start inserting Asub in A starting at coloffset column |
[in] | addv | insert values or add values to matrix A |
PetscInt SPE::set_P | ( | SPE & | data | ) |
set permutation matrices and operators for use in OSS and SPE
[in] | data | data class to have flags |
PetscInt SPE::set_Vec | ( | const PetscScalar * | bin, |
const PetscInt & | n, | ||
Vec & | b, | ||
const PetscBool & | parallel = PETSC_TRUE |
) |
set a vector from PetscScalar 1D vector to PETSc Vec type in parallel
[in] | bin | array set on all processors as 1D array |
[in] | n | size of n array |
[in,out] | b | Vec to SetValues and output in parallel (already initialized) |
[in] | parallel | set in parallel |
PetscInt SPE::set_Vec | ( | Vec & | b | ) |
Assemble b vector.
[in,out] | b | array to assemble on all processors |
PetscInt SPE::set_Vec | ( | const PetscScalar & | bin, |
const PetscInt & | n, | ||
Vec & | b | ||
) |
set a vector from PetscScalar to PETSc Vec in location n
[in] | bin | scalar to set into Vec |
[in] | n | location to put into Vec |
[in,out] | b | Vec to SetValues (already initialized) |
PetscInt SPE::set_Vec | ( | const Vec & | inVec, |
const PetscInt & | low, | ||
const PetscInt & | hi, | ||
Vec & | b | ||
) |
set a subvector from larger vector from low to hi indices
[in] | inVec | larger vec to copy values from |
[in] | low | lower bound |
[in] | hi | upper bound |
[in,out] | b | Vec to SetValues and output (already initialized) |
PetscInt SPE::set_Vec_linspace | ( | PetscScalar | a, |
const PetscScalar | b, | ||
const PetscInt | n, | ||
PetscScalar | y[] | ||
) |
set values of y, use linspace similar to matlab, creates on every processor
[in] | a | lower bound |
[in] | b | upper bound |
[in] | n | upper bound |
[out] | y | linspace output vector (already initialized to right size) |
int SPE::trapz | ( | const Vec & | q, |
PetscScalar & | I, | ||
SPE & | data | ||
) |
trapezoidal rule on Vec with ny,nz values
[in] | q | Vector to integrate |
[out] | I | value of integration |
[out] | data | data class to store Trapzy and Trapzz value and flags |
PetscErrorCode SPE::trapz_4nynznt | ( | const Vec & | q, |
PetscScalar & | I, | ||
SPE & | data | ||
) |
trapezoidal rule on Vec with 4,ny,nz,nt values
[in] | q | Vector to integrate |
[out] | I | value of integration |
[out] | data | data class to store Trapzy and Trapzz value and flags |
int SPE::update_Closure | ( | SPE & | data, |
Vec & | q, | ||
Vec & | qp1, | ||
PetscScalar & | alpha, | ||
const PetscInt & | maxiter = 50 |
) |
calculate the closure equation \( \int_\Omega \hat{\textbf{q}}^\dagger \hat{\textbf{q}}_x dy \) and output the result This is part of the solution procedure shown in the bottom half of this diagram
[in,out] | data | data class to store values |
[in] | q | q at previous marching step |
[in,out] | qp1 | current marching step |
[in,out] | alpha | \( \alpha \) value at current marching step |
[in] | maxiter | maximum number of iterations (not implimented) |
int SPE::update_Nonlinear | ( | SPE & | data, |
Vec & | q, | ||
Vec & | qp1, | ||
PetscScalar & | alpha_old, | ||
PetscScalar & | alpha, | ||
PetscScalar & | Ialpha_old, | ||
PetscScalar & | Ialpha, | ||
const PetscInt & | maxiter = 50 |
) |
advance the Nonlinear SPE system one x step
[in,out] | data | data class to store values |
[in] | q | q at previous marching step |
[in,out] | qp1 | current marching step |
[in,out] | alpha_old | \( \alpha \) value at previous marching step (will be updated) |
[in,out] | alpha | \( \alpha \) value at current marching step |
[in,out] | Ialpha_old | \( \int_{x_0}^{x_{i+1}} \alpha dx \) value at previous marching step |
[in,out] | Ialpha | \( \int_{x_0}^{x_{i+1}} \alpha dx \) value at current marching step |
[in] | maxiter | maximum number of iterations (not implimented) |