Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NJsonJSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
 CCharReaderBuilderBuild a CharReader implementation
 CCommentStyleScoped enums are not available until C++11
 CFastWriterOutputs a Value in JSON format without formatting (not human friendly)
 CFeaturesConfiguration passed to reader and writer. This configuration object can be used to force the Reader or Writer to behave in a standard conforming way
 CPathExperimental and untested: represents a "path" to access a node
 CPathArgumentExperimental and untested: represents an element of the "path" to access a node
 CReaderUnserialize a JSON document into a Value
 CStructuredErrorAn error tagged with where in the JSON text it was encountered
 CStaticStringLightweight wrapper to tag static string
 CFactoryA simple abstract factory
 CStreamWriterBuilderBuild a StreamWriter implementation
 CStyledStreamWriterWrites a Value in JSON format in a human friendly way, to a stream rather than to a string
 CStyledWriterWrites a Value in JSON format in a human friendly way
 CValueRepresents a JSON value
 CValueConstIteratorConst iterator for object and array value
 CValueIteratorIterator for object and array value
 CValueIteratorBaseBase class for Value iterators
 CWriterAbstract class for writers
 NSPENamespace containing all functions and data classes for this solver
 CMat_4termsStructure for 4 mats to have u_term, v_term, w_term, P_term Mat
 CSPEClass to contain various variables for SPE solution