Home FinalReport Team COWSHOTS

Initial Testing Findings, Design Iterations & Lessons Learnt

The ball drop system worked as we wanted. We did not face any issue with the ball drop sub assembly system. The line sensing system worked as we wanted. We did not face any issue with the line sensing system.

The line following system did not work as we wanted in the first iteration. The wheels chosen were probably too big and were not proportionately small as compared to the width of black line. We faced difficulty in setting up the PID control system for that case.

We were forced to run at extremely slow speeds for the line following control. Sometimes, the motor would not start at the PWM we were operating in, when we tried to run the system at such low speeds. We felt the system is not robust enough at that instant.

After several rounds of testing, we decided to change the drive system and replaced the wheels with smaller sized wheels.

We, initially did not use a voltage regulator. We saw a lot of variability between several rounds of testing. We decided to install linear voltage regulator for the motors and Teensy.

After making the modifications mentioned, we calibrated the PID system and we got the robot checked off.